Chapter 20

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Selva was scared to answer. But he did.

"I am fine."

"Good." Balaji pointed to the bed. "You will feel better if you sit. Don't strain your leg by standing too long, now. Iniyan, help him please."

The stout man hurried forward and helped Selva find his way back to the bed. The pain in his leg had eased a bit now. Or alternatively, Selva was more alert enough to bear the pain. With Iniyan's help, he managed to lift his legs and put them back on the bed. But now, he felt weaker than before. These little efforts and seeing Balaji had drained him of the little strength he had had.

"Why are you here?" Selva asked him as soon as he was in a proper position.

"This is my guesthouse."

"I need to leave." He blurted out.

"Yes, you told me that many times before."

"Did I?"



Balaji intertwined his fingers before he answered. "You woke yesterday evening and wanted to leave. You screamed and cried to take you to the station. We refused to let you go. You tried to force your way out and fainted. In his arms." He glanced at Iniyan.

Selva was embarrassed to hear that. But there were more pressing things on his mind.

"Yesterday evening? How long have I been here?"

"From the time we took you from the Moore Market to now, probably 35-40 hours have elapsed."

Selva's mouth dropped open. The wave of dread came back to embrace him again, this time stronger and with malicious intent. He knew he had to do something but didn't know what. Balaji Rangan was studying him keenly with those eyes of his. Selva tried and failed to maintain eye contact with the man. It was intimidating.

"Sir," Selva began with a timid voice. "You brought me here...thank you...but...I am not in...I can't be in this city. I can't...I have to leave!" He said again, unable to find better words to explain.

"Agilan's men are searching for you. You want to leave the city so you can escape their clutches, right?"


"Leaving the city is not the solution. You will die, irrespective of where you are!"

"No, if I leave the c-"

"Are you listening?" Balaji's voice was sharp enough to cut air. "Your location doesn't matter. You will be killed."

Selva sat still, as if he had gobbled a large stone.

"Perhaps, this discussion should wait. Let's have breakfast." Balaji smiled. There wasn't much warmth in it. "Iniyan, if you can bring the plates here-It is better he doesn't walk-Yeah, thank you so much..."

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