Chapter 22

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"Iniyan," Balaji called out. "Can you please leave us alone? Yes-and close the door on your way out. Yes, thank you!"

Iniyan left.

Balaji moved forward in his wheelchair. His lips were pursed and his hands were interlocked with each other.


Selva was staring at something else, his eyes glazed.

"Selva!" A little more sharply, this time.


"I am extremely sorry to break this news to you," Balaji said. "I didn't want to be the one to do this. But we don't really get to do what we want all the time."

This too, sounded insincere. But Selva continued to listen. What could be worse than being hunted by that scary man?

Balaji took his time to speak.

"A man called Anbu from your locality was found missing the same day you fled. I believe he was your friend."

Selva gripped the sheets of his bed.

"Sadly," Balaji resumed, "His body was found in a graveyard. He was haphazardly buried alive at the entrance. His limbs were bent in awkward angles in many places, suggesting major fractures. But we can only be sure after the Post-mortem reports. His wife is missing too. But there are no updates about her."

The air left Selva's lungs as if they were punctured tyres. He couldn't take proper breaths.

"I have reason to believe Gurumoorthy is behind this."

"H-How?" Selva croaked.

Balaji leaned forward, just slightly.

"It has his name written all over it. Most men from Agilan's gang just kill and be done with it. A stab wound or," Balaji looked down at his leg resting on the wheelchair. "They finish their task and go home. They don't stoop to any unnecessary lengths...

"Gurumoorthy does the opposite, yes. There is a facet of torture to his victims. Breaking bones...Burying a man alive at the entrance to a graveyard in a disorderly fashion, as if he wanted someone to find the corpse-that is an out and out Gurumoorthy thing!"

"You're lying!" Selva muttered, his voice lifeless.

"I could show you police case files about him, if you doubt what I say. If you need proof of Anbu's death, it was reported on yesterday's evening newspaper. I can ask Iniyan to bring it to you if you want..."

Selva didn't respond to that. He had a different question. "How do you know so much about him?"

"I have to." Balaji picked at his shirt absently. "I work for the rival party of that of Agilan. They pay me to do this."

There was silence.

"There was a police officer who worked intensely to arrest this man. At a point in my career, I have interviewed him about his investigation. I know Gurumoorthy..."

"Where is this police officer?"

"He voluntarily retired a year after."


"I don't know. He retired and left the city."

Silence again.

Balaji didn't make an attempt to break it this time. His eyebrows were knitted together as he observed Selva. To a careful eye, it would be obvious that his brain was working furiously with zero reflection of that on his face.

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