Another akuma alert and Ladybug and Cat Noir vs Night Brace

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In Dr. Smiley's Dentist's Office, Dr. Plaque got through to another patient, he sighed and wiped his forehead.

 Plaque got through to another patient, he sighed and wiped his forehead

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Dr. Plaque: Okay. So far that's 3 cavities I've taken care of, 6 fillings, 13 deep teeth cleanings, and 5 wisdom teeth extractions. I need a break.

Dentist employee (Nancy): Uh, Dr. Plaque. I have some news for you.

 I have some news for you

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Dr. Plaque: If it's about my vacation plan, put it on hold until my shift is over.

Nancy: Actually, it's about your vacation plan.

Dr. Plaque: What is it?

Nancy: Well, we have a lot for next week. You're booked for more extractions, deep cleaning, cavity drilling, and fillings. *Dr. Plaque groaned.* Is there a problem?

Dr. Plaque: No, no problem at all. (So much for my vacation plan. I have to postpone it until I get all these appointments done. I'll never get what I want. *He put his hands on his face and he shook his head too. In Hawkmoth's Lair, the window starts to open and butterflies start to flutter all over the place. *

Hawkmoth: An exhausting and hardworking dentist not getting the vacation he deserves. Time to turn his pearly white smile right side down. *He opened his hand and a butterfly landed, he turned it into an Akuma, and he let it go. * Go free, my little Akuma. And evilize his evil smile! *The Akuma flies out and goes to the Dentist's Office. The Akuma landed on the dental drill, he was in Hawkmoth's control. * Night Brace, I am Hawkmoth. Your job as a dentist is hard-working and you deserve a vacation, but your work has been doubled up and you're not happy about it. I give you the power to make people have a painful mouth with braces and have their teeth pulled out. To keep this power, I'm gonna need you to give me the two most powerful miraculous of Ladybug and Cat Noir.

Dr. Plaque: Yes, Hawkmoth. Time to show off those pearly white! *Dark purple ether starts to form all over his body. *

In the waiting room, more people were waiting for their dentist appointment when the door busted open. People started to exclaim and scream, it was Night Brace.

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