Chloe trouble (Again)

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Meanwhile, Miss Bustier put in the last few details from the lesson on the board and she faced everyone.

Miss Bustier: Okay, I just put in the last few thoughts on the board, get them down while I'll say the last few things before the bell rings. *Everyone writes down what they need to get before the bell rings. * Now, I assume you all got the homework done and not a single person didn't forget to bring it.

 * Now, I assume you all got the homework done and not a single person didn't forget to bring it

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Alix: We'll still have no homework day on Friday?

Miss Bustier: Yes, Alix. If you do this one homework assignment for tonight and tomorrow night, I will announce no homework day on Friday. So far you all got it done on time. Let's see how you do on tonight's homework. *Some people moaned about that. * Tonight's homework, I want you to do a 2-page report on one of the French Monarchs, and do a biography about your choice. You can either write out your report or type it up, however you wanna do it. I will briefly read them as I grade them, so choose wisely, please. *The bell rang. * Class dismissed. I'll see you all tomorrow. *Everyone gathers their stuff and leaves the classroom. Lila went up to Marinette's bag and she quietly slipped the note into Marinette's backpack, Marinette turned around instantly. *

Marinette: (confused) What are you doing?

Lila: (innocent) Nothing. Just wanna tell you that your shoes are untied. *Marinette looked down and one lace was untied. *

Marinette: Thank you, I guess? *She tied her shoe as Lila slipped the note into Marinette's backpack

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Marinette: Thank you, I guess? *She tied her shoe as Lila slipped the note into Marinette's backpack. *

Lila: 'There.' *She walked pastd Marinette and smirked at her. * 'Good luck telling your lover about the letter.' *She walked down the steps, Marinette left the classroom and then headed to the locker room, and got her stuff for chemistry. But, she gets her day planner then writes down her homework assignment and puts her day planner up. She gets her chemistry stuff out and she closes her locker. *


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