The crackling of the soft fire filled our ears along with our mother's soothing voice. She spoke of tales that seemed to far out of reach and old memories that seemed not quite so distant.

Her eyes held a sparkle as my younger sister giggled and listened intently to what my mother had to say. Her hand's flung around quickly to her own story as she added in little sound affects for more dramatics.

"Another one!"

She sighed and brushed her dark hair out of her face. Her eyes held warmth as she stared into the bright fire and the small smile on her lips never vanished. 

"Instead of telling you a tale, how about I show you one"

My sister's head turned slightly in confusion but it quickly turned into excitement. "Okay!"

I stayed sitting across from the two as my hands held my knees to my chest. My palms were filled with blisters and small welts from carrying as well as breaking wood. Our family were farmer's on the outskirts of the fire nation. The wood was sold to non-benders as well as our small bit of crops was sold to our neighboring town. The fire nation wasn't very friendly to non-benders, deeming them as useless. So acquiring fire wood and crops was a little harder for them. Our farm did decent with the customer's mainly only having us coming to and from there small town. Our father had died a couple of years ago when he was drafted into the war. We were gifted his helmet as the only token left of him.

They told us, earth benders had ambushed them while they slept. Our mother had gotten sick not to long after the news was broken to us. She has been getting worse and worse. More of the farms duties were rested on my shoulder's as well as my sister's well being.

I looked up and saw my mother standing in a small clearing as she put her hands up into a position. I felt a smile tug on my lips, my sister has never really gotten to see my mother's dance before.

Before long, her arms gracefully moved as fire followed her. She flowed almost like water and looked as peaceful as the small valley which they sat in at that moment. She continued to make beautiful but perfect movements and became one with the fire. It was beautiful, the first time I had seen it, was when I was five. My father had looked on in admiration and I couldn't help but do the same.

These days, old traditional dancing like the one my mother was doing, was all but gone.

Eventually she stopped and my sister's cheering broke me out of my small trance. "Wow!"

She jumped up to hug her until my mother began to cough violently until she fell onto her knees. I quickly ran to her side "You over did it"

She did a weak chuckle "I couldn't resist."

Week's had passed with me doing double run's down to the village not to far from our farm. I had no one to help now that my mother was bed ridden.

My hand's were constantly torn and swollen but I wrapped them tightly before throwing my bag over my shoulder. Our small wagon was packed to the brim with wood and small crates of pepper flakes as well as other cooking goods.

"You'll be back soon, right?" My sister stood next to me with concern etched onto her small face. I bent down and placed a wrapped hand on her shoulder. "Of course, I'm doing the usual run. Maybe I'll bring back a moon cake just for you"

Her eyes lit up as her gap tooth smile brightened.

"Hurry back!"

I chuckled and jumped on our wagon as I adjusted the reins to our rhino. I put on one of our straw hats as the sun rays beat down on the early morning valley. "I will, I should be back by this evening. Take care of mom"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2021 ⏰

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