Reunion and a revisit to Beacon

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After my rampage was over, literally nothing that implied a civilization that was once there remained. Heaps of areas were covered in smoke, I simply just roared out in intimidation at the little ship I knocked down to the floor(and was somehow still standing?), which resulted in Ironwood crawling out of it extremely weakened. He crawled out only 3 feet before turning to me with an angry face.

Ironwood: " are you just able to let a creature that brings death wherever it goes stay alive? You call yourself a guardian of the planet?! Look around yourself! Because of you! There's nothing around that's alive! You aren't worthy of that title, you call yourself a defender, but really you bring destruction wherever you go! YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO CALL YOURSELF WHAT YOU CLAIM TO BE!"

My green eyes started to glow even brighter as Zygarde began to speak.

Zygarde: "If it is a right you speak of, then you're surely mistaken Ironwood! I only do things like this whenever the planet itself is in danger, and you just had to go and threaten one of the biggest pieces of the balance of life and death we have on Remnant. I am Zygarde, defender of order, and it is my responsibility to make sure that order of life and death is maintained! No matter the cost...and no matter who tries to destroy it!"

An atlesian ship touched down next to Ironwood, where 3 atlesian soldiers picked up Ironwood, who was still glaring daggers at me. To which I just stared back at him—my face not able to create any sort of emotional pattern on it.

Zygarde: "Be happy that my host has hope for you and wants to let you off easy this time Ironwood, next time, I won't go so easy on you!"

Ironwood was loaded onto the ship and the ship flew away, during which I roared out in victory. I looked back at my friends, Xerneas and Yveltal, who all seemed flabbergasted at my display in power. I then locked eyes with Ruby and slowly slithered up to her. She seemed to get scared as I bent down to her, but as she felt my head nuzzle into her, she started to hug back. My eyes stopped glowing green for a bit—indicating I was closing my eyes. We stopped the hug as I backed away and started to glow green again, but this time, you could see a black silhouette of me in the middle as I transformed back to my human form. I could sense Xerneas's, Yveltal's , and my friend's happiness rise as the glow stopped surrounding me, revealing the same boy that hung out with them 2 weeks ago. Still having the same old appearance.

Ruby: (tearing up) "Y-Y/N?"

"In the flesh Ruby. Long time since we've last seen each other hasn't it?"

I couldn't do anything as I felt 2 people crash into me,knocking me on by back and leaving the two people on my chest. I looked to see both Ruby and Rias on top of me, hugging me the tightest they've ever hugged me.


I could hear the hysterical tears in Rias' voice... dang they really must have missed me. To comfort her, I just hugged her back. To which she nuzzled into my neck. Ruby also started sniffling a little so I slowly pet her head to cheer her up. We stood like that for what felt like 20 minutes, but was probably only about 30 seconds before I pushed them off me and stood back up before looking over at my friend group, all of them having the biggest smiles on their faces.

"It's been a while hasn't it?"

Zygarde: 'BRACE FOR IT!'

I was then tackled by every other girl at the same time. Those moments were probably the most terrifying moments in my life due to me getting crushed by a mass of bodies and slowly getting suffocated. Thankfully, Gasper and Kiba pulled me away from them all as I gasped to regain oxygen back into my lungs. However, even then that didn't stop Weiss from walking up to me and slapping me in the face.

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