The Great Escape

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Hayden Pov

A loud bang jolts me awake. I sit up noticing I am in my chambers. "How did I het here, the last thing I remember is....".  A flash of father being beheaded appears in my mind. Tears escape my eyes and my shoulders shake in mourning. "Please old gods hear me, let justice be done to the lannisters and all of their allies, rescue us from our captors and send us home safely".

Another lound bang goes off and I hear someone at my door. Keys jingle as my door starts to open I see a vase of flowers near my bed. I grab it dumping out the flowers and water as my door opens. I stand up and wait for the person to enter. A hooded figure appears in my sight. I chuck the vase missing the figures head ny a mere few inches.

The figure eneters shutting the door behind them. Before turning towards me and removing their hood.

"Lord Varys what are you doing here"?

"I am here fullfilling the promise I made to your father"?

"And what would that be my lord"?

"I promised your father I would help you escape, I have a ship waiting in the harbor for you"?

"What about Sansa and Arya, I won't leave without them". "I can't abandon my sisters to the mercy of the lannisters. Joffrey is to cruel for them to handle". I ry to reason.

"Sansa will be safe as she is bethrothed to Joffrey, we don't know where Arya is, she has vanished from the capital" he says.

"I must find her my lord, she is just a little girl out there in this cruel world she won't survive", I say in fear clutching my heart.

"I will send word to my little birds to be on the look out for a girl matching Arya's description. But in the meantime we must get you to your brother".

"Robb have you heard word of him and mother"?

"Your mother has taken Tyrion lannister prisoner to stand trial for your brothers accident and the assassin sent after your brother to finish the job. She is currently on her way to the eyrie with tyrion in tow to face the kings justice with your aunt Lysa". Upon hearing of your fathers execution Robb has called all of the stark banners to fight the lannisters". he explains.

"Very well lord Varys I leave Sansa in your care. Let us leave this place. I wish to make a detour and meet mother in the Eyrie. I wish to look Tyrion in the eyes when he is questioned by the lady of the vale". I say.

"Of course my lord, but we must be quick pack speedily". I must make sure the coast is clear." he says leaving the room.

I open my trunk and quickly pull on some riding clothes and boots, Grabing my cloak and putting it on grabing a dagger that Jon gave me secureing it around my hip before packing a few of my favorite clothes. Several pair of breaches shirts and a few gowns for formal events and then grabbing my jewelry and sytcking in a russet bag before grabing my wolf skin pelt and tossing it in the bag as well.

I hear a knock at the door "Who is it'"

"It is me my lord" says the soft voice of lord varys.

"Come in" I reply as he enters.

"Are you packed my dear" he asks. I nod and he motions for me to follow.

We make our way through the red keep. I just now notice that it ia almost dawn outside. We make our way deeper under the keep until we come to a large open area full of dragon skulls and banners from the targaryen dynasty. We continue in silence until we reach a narrow passage.

Lord Varys stops me with a hand on my arm. "Follow this passage and their will be a man waiting for you with a row boat. He will take you to a ship, and from there you will make your way to the eyrie. Take this as well, you will need it" he says handing my a large puse full of gold dragons,

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