Life in the red keep

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Life in kingslanding was as one would expect court intrigue political power plays schemes assassinations in other word a vipers nest of evil. But try as I might I think I have it the hardest here all the lords and their sons have tried to the force me into marriages with men I don't even now, and for those I have met I wasn't impressed. If that wasn't enough prince Joffrey has taken to stalking me and he isn't exactly subtle about especially with the hound at his heels. Thankfully father has declined most of them but my curiosity was peaked when Willas Tyrell asked for my hand, I didn't know much of the eldest son of Mace Tyrell  other then he's was injured during a tourney against Oberyn Martell and he walks with a slight limp. I've asked a few maids and the septa about him they all say he is an extremely handsome and honorable man. I've sent him a letter telling him about myself and dislikes hopes and dreams for the future. He replied in a kind thoughtful and intelligent way I wouldn't expect from a rich southern heir, he told me of his love for breeding hawks horses and hounds and immediately I started to feel a small connection with him, I too love animals I wish I had brought shadow with me but I knew he was safer in the north with Robb and mother. As for my sisters they have taken to life in the keep quite well Sansa is smitten with the prince I pray to the old gods she grows out of her naivety and sees the prince like I do underneath that fake charm is a beast with the attitude of a spoiled child. As for Arya she runs around the keep exploring and talking to me endlessly about her 'dancing master' who's is really a bravosi swordsman, even though I worry for my sisters at least father and I can keep an eye on them. Being the hand of the king comes with a great responsibility and heavy weight on his shoulders I know father tries to be their for us hopefully the grand celebration tourney in honor of him will cheer him up. I hope the days get better soon.

At the tourney seated next to Sansa with the septa next to her followed by Arya. Fixing my blue dress and folding my hands on my lap I look out at the proceeding. Seeing an unfamiliar knight and a another man step before the king. I see that the first knight has the sigil for house Arryn scrunching up my nose thinking deeply who the knight could be I'm interrupted by a hand on my shoulder "Sir Hugh of the vale  squire to the late hand Jon Arryn" I look over my shoulder and see piercing blue eyes that are sharp like a snake. "Lord Baelish I presume" I ask tentatively. He removes his hand slowly staring at me slightly before giving a sharp smile "Yes and you must be the lovely Hayden of house stark, I must say my dear the songs do not do you justice you are simply stunning but how did you know who I am". Giving him a fake smile " You are too kind my lord  I recognized you from mother's descriptions of course" I replied sickeningly sweet. "Does your mother speak of me often" he asks almost desperately. "From time to time" I answer. "Why do they call you little finger" Arya asks brashly. I look at her in slight disapproval and happiness. Septa reprimands her. "I'm from a little spit of land called the fingers and growing up I was a small lad so I was given the name by your mother"he says. Father joins us taking the seat between sansa and the septa. The king calls the start of the tourney to begin. I see sir Hugh ride by me giving me a wink and smile my cheeks flush a bit I'll admit. He trots his horse before the king and then comes a giant of a man beside him I gasp slightly along with Sansa. "The mountain who rides ser Gregor Clegane older brother to the hound" lord baelish whispers in my ear. I shiver slightly from the touch of his lips against my ear father sees this and sends lord Baelish a sharp look he justbsmirk and explains how the hounds face became burned.I tuned it out as the joust began it ended just last quick with ser Hugh's death a piece of wood gouged in his eye it was quite gruesome. Then came ser Loras of house Tyrell  Willas younger brother he gave sansa a rose and took his place. Lord Renly and lord Baelish taking bets I changed a glance at the kings youngest brother finding that he was very handsome but as I followed his gaze I saw he only had eyes for Loras. The joust ended with e knight of flowers unseating e mountain which led for a brotherly duel between the hound and the mountain. After that I took my leave along with the rest of the family but just as I was about to enter the keep I felt eyes boring into me  I looked behind my to see the bright green eyes of Jaime Lannister watching me he gave me a wink I quickly followed my siblings thinking of the reason for the kingslayers gaze.

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