The Wait

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Part 2 of He'll Be Back

   The rain soaked through Draco's sweatshirt as he sat on the bench in front of Harry's favorite coffee place. Harry had loved the coffee place, especially on rainy days. He had been waiting for him all day and now the sun was setting. It had been about a month sense Draco started doing this. After the sun went down Draco waited for another hour before going home. Draco was back before dawn when he finally saw him. He saw the glint of his emerald eyes and the dark blur of his hair. His head was down, looking at his phone. He looked pale, exhausted, and anxious with dark circles under his eyes. He looked up from his phone and made eye contact with Draco. He looked stunned, Draco thought he saw a glint of relief before a wave of guilt crashed down in front of it. He turned quickly and briskly walked back round the corner. Draco broke into a sprint and got halfway to the corner before remembering he was a wizard. He took out his wand and Apperated around the corner and looked around wildly for Harry. He saw the dark main of wild hair disappear around the other corner, going around the building. Draco Apperated again, this time he landed right in front of Harry who crashed into him. They fell and landed with Harry on top of Draco. They lay here for a split second before Harry jumped up. Halfway through the air Draco gripped Harry's wrist and pulled him into his chest. Draco wrapped his arms around Harry, who was stiff and looked scared. Draco pulled Harry closer and buried his face in his neck and let out a sob. Harry just stood there. Draco was shaking and Harry looked paler than usual. Draco didn't look good either. His skin was sallow and looked like bad milk, he clearly hadn't been sleeping and under his eyes where puff and dark. His hair was in a sloppy ponytail and he looked like he hadn't showered in days. He had also clearly lost weight. As he took a deep breath in to calm himself, he realized Harry smelled different. Like another man. Draco pulled back and put his hand son either side of the startled dark haired boy to check over him and see if he was ok. Then came all the questions. He didn't even want to know half of them and he didn't really know what he was saying, all he wanted was for the love of his life to be ok and to come back to him. Harry stumbled over his words and found a question to answer; where had he been staying? "With a friend. Ron was busy so I stayed with Seamus Finnegan... He let me barrow his clothes." His emerald eyes flickered up to Draco's face, as of to check his reaction. Draco had finally decided his love wasn't in immediate danger and he calmed down slightly and said in a quiet voice, looking into Harry's eyes pleadingly, "Do you think you'll come home soon?" It was clear Draco missed him but he couldn't let go of his always needing to be right. Harry looked away nervously and hesitated before mumbling "I don't know... Maybe?" Harrys eyes flickered to Draco's cold, tired ones. Draco looked defeated and exhausted, the adrenaline finally leaving his body and the stress of finding Harry finally leaking from his tired form. Draco hesitated for a second before asking "Will you please go home with me? I'll leave you alone but I need to know your safe and healthy..." Harry waited a second and nodded and said quietly "Yeah... I'll come home with you"

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