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3rd P.O.V

Footsteps echoed through the stone halls as Draco, Pansy, and Blaise, Pansy yapping about something Granger said. Draco was lost in his thoughts about the Potions lesson they just left from when his stomach growled. Loudly. Pansy let out a high pitched giggle and said "Let's go get a snack. Obviously he needs a snack and I want something to" Blaise nodded his agreement and they headed to the kitchens.
With Harry
"Ugh I give up! This stupid Charms essay is impossible!" Ron groaned. Hermione rolled her eyes and glanced at his paper.
"You didn't even start yet"
"I put my name!"
"Half of it anyways! Right Rona?"
Harry cleared his throat loudly, interrupting their annoying banter. "He's not wrong though, this Charms essay is going to be the death of me" Harry got off the ground and flopped onto the couch, landing on his back.
"Aaaand.... Finished!" Hermione claimed as she set down her quill and picked up the parchment, now covered on her dainty handwriting, and started to examine it, mumbling corrections to herself. Ron stretched and yawned "I could go for some chicken right now..." Hermione snorted and rolled her eyes, still focused on the paper. Harry nodded his agreement, "I could eat"
Ron jumped up as if electrocuted
"Let's go!"

When they arrived at the picture of the bowl of fruit and tickled the pear and walked in Ron stopped dead in his tracks, causing Hermione to bump into him and angrily say "Excuse you! Why did you stop?" Hermione and Harry peeked over Ron's shoulder and groaned at the sight of Draco, Pansy, and Blaise sitting on counters eating sandwiches. Draco hopped off the counter, pulling out his wand as he went, Blaise and Pansy following suit. The house elves shrieked when Harry and Ron copy their movements as Hermione moved into the middle, arms outstretched. There was a tense silence that stretched on until a timid house elf offered some tea. After a small hesitation, Harry lowered his wand and lifted himself onto the counter and allowed the elf to give him some tea. After a short pause everyone slowly lowered their wands and tensely sat down. Hermione and Ron on the counters and Draco, Pansy, and Blaise on the counters opposite. After a short pause Hermione huffed and said "Ok I bet we're all just here for food so why fight?" The house elves nodded very quickly in the background and after a few tense seconds Draco let out a sigh. "Fine. But only while we're here."

    About half an hour late of playing T or D they finally got Draco to do a dare "Draco truth or dare!" Pansy squealed. Draco rolled his eyes and said in his bored voice "Dare. Obviously" he rolled his eyes. Pansy paused and then a evil smirk spread across her face, "I dare you to... Go in the freezer... With Harry... And do 7 minutes in Heaven" she let out a cackle as she saw Harry's expression. Harry swallowed, glanced at Hermione (who was also smirking), and stood up. Draco stood too, looking slightly dazed. Harry glanced at Draco and started to walk towards the freezer. As Draco closed the door behind them. Harry leaned against the frosty metal table in the center of the large, rectangle room. Draco leaned against the crystalized wall and stared at the wall with his arms crossed. Harry shivered slightly, only in his t-shirt and he stared at Draco's sweatshirt with slight jealousy. Draco rolled his eyes and smirked "I know I'm hot, Potter, but no need to stare" Harry rolled his eyes and shivered "Oh don't flatter yourself Malfoy, I was just looking at your sweatshirt"
Draco sneered and made eye contact with Harry and looked away. "Why didn't you bring a sweatshirt?" Harry rolled his eyes "I didn't exactly plan on being locked in the freezer. How long has it been anyways?" Draco checked his watch "About three minutes" Harry groaned and shivered, wrapping his arms around himself to keep warm. Draco noticed and sighed heavily. He motioned for Harry to come here. Harry hesitated but finally gave in and leaned into Draco. He let out a small sigh at the warmth and moved closer to Draco. Draco looked kind of uncomfortable, his arms lifted and stiff but after a little while he relaxed. He rested his arms and Harry's back hesitantly. They both eventually relaxed and waited for their seven minute timer to be up. Harry, exhausted from studying for tree days straight (Transfiguration was kicking his butt), had fallen asleep on Draco rather quickly. Draco smiled slightly as he felt Harry's breath against his neck. Harry shivered slightly and moved closer to Draco so he was basically in his lap, arms wrapped around him.
   A minute before their time was up Draco talked to him in a soft voice to wake him up. Harry squirmed slightly and opened his eyes. He yawned and moved closer to Draco. They heard the door unlock and they jumped away from each other, both their faces red. Pansy's head popped in, grinning wickedly. "Having fun boys?"

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