Chapter 70

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I had to wake Samantha up when they brought her lunch in. She looked at it and wrinkled up her nose.

"That looks kinda gross," she said. I couldn't disagree. It was ... possibly meatloaf. But there was some chicken soup as well.

"Eat the soup, and try the, uh, meat? loaf."

"What about insulin? Where's my pump?"

"Oh. They took that off when they changed you. I have it in my bag."

I called in a nurse to ask about Sam's insulin. They checked her blood sugar which was in range but on the high end.

"I know with your infection, they were trying to keep your sugar up a bit, but now that you're awake and eating, we'll start you back on insulin," the nurse said.

"Okay," Samantha said.

The nurse and Samantha discussed her dose and the nurse came back with it. She gave her her shot and Samantha started in on her lunch.

"Yeah, I was right," she said. "It's pretty gross."

I laughed.

"I'm sorry honey. Eat what you can. I'll get you something later."

Samantha shrugged and ate the soup and the vegetables. She ate some of the meat and had the milk and the dessert that came with.

"Mom?" She said as she pushed her tray table away and lowered the head of her bed and curled up.

"Yeah, baby?" I asked.

"Thank you."

"For what, sweetheart?"

"Everything. I feel like, I dunno. Like I don't thank you enough."

"Samantha Joseph," I said, sitting beside her on the bed. "You being healthy and happy is all the thanks we need. And except for this, you've been doing so well. Growing like a weed, taking good care of yourself, doing well in school, helping around the house. You don't need to thank us for anything. Because you came into our lives just at the right time. We should be thanking you."

"Me? Why?"

"Because, well, Tyler and I were talking about having kids. And thinking about how much love we have to share. And then you wound up in our backyard, soaked and sick and needing to be loved."

Sam smiled a sleepy smile at me, and then dozed off. I smiled at her and brushed some stray hair away from her face. I sat back down in the chair and watched Sam sleep.

My phone rang and expecting it to be Tyler, I didn't bother checking who it was.

"Hello." I said.

"Hey sweetheart. B and I heard Sam was sick. What happened. Is she okay?"

"Oh. Sarah! Hi. I was expecting it to be Tyler. Sorry. Sam's going to be just fine. She's got an infection, we're waiting for some test results, but she's going to be okay."

"Josh told B she's in the hospital," Sarah said.

"Yeah. She had a really high fever and I couldn't get it down. So we, Erin came over to help, called an ambulance and brought her in. She was so sick, Sarah. She was so, so sick."

"Oh, honey," Sarah said. "But she's getting better?"

"She is. Yeah. It's such a relief. I didn't know what was happening."

"I'm so glad she's getting better," Sarah said, her voice echoing and sounding like she was nearby.

"Sarah? Where are you?" I asked.

"Look up," she said. I did and there she was, standing in the doorway of Samantha's hospital room. I went over and wrapped her in a hug.

"I can't believe you flew all the way out here for this!" I said.

"Tyler was so worried and you wouldn't let him come home. So when Josh called B, and told him what was happening, well , I got a few days off and B insisted I come help you out."

"We're okay, but thank god you're here," I said.

"Bren wanted to come, too. But he's working on an album, and you know how that is. He sends his love and he'll be checking in, too."

"Aunt Sarah?" Sam's sleepy voice said.

"Hey there my sweet girl!" Sarah sat on the bed and brushed Sam's hair away from her forehead. "How are you feeling?"

"Better," she said. "Mom says I was really sick. I don't even remember getting home from school."

"Wow. Yeah. Mom said as much. But you're feeling better now?"

"Yeah," Sam smiled. "Why are you here? Did Uncle Brendon come, too?"

"Well, Uncle Josh called Uncle Brendon and told him how you were sick and how worried they all were for you. So Uncle Brendon said because he's very busy working right now that he wanted me to come out and help your mom out and check on you. So, here I am. But sorry, no Uncle Brendon this time."

"Oh. That's okay. You're just as good. If not better," Sam smiled.

"You are definitely my favourite niece," Sarah smiled and laughed. "Now, you rest up. I'm going to make sure your mom runs home to take a shower and maybe gets something to eat. Maybe brings you some comfortable pyjamas and something to keep you entertained?"

I laughed.

"A shower would be nice. And my phone charger," I laughed. "Will you be okay with Aunt Sarah for a couple of hours? I'll be back before dinner. Dad's gonna FaceTime before his show."

"I think Sam and I will be okay. Sam?"

"Yeah," Sam smiled. "I'll be okay."

I remembered when we got Sam back from Stanley and we couldn't even leave the room to talk to the doctor without negotiations to get her to let Brendon and Sarah watch her for the minute we were outside the room. Now she was totally cool with me taking off for a couple of hours. I smiled. The growth in Samantha was just so incredible.

"Ok, I'll be back soon, kiddo. Be good. Oh. I guess I'll have to call an Uber," I said. "I'll bring the car back."

I gave Samantha a kiss on the head, hugged and thanked Sarah again and left my daughter in the care of her Aunt, comfortable in the fact that she was on the mend, and had someone with her who she loved and trusted.

Family is Forever (Sequel to Running on Insulin)Where stories live. Discover now