Chapter 23: i need you

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You and your friends went to the butterfly estate to get all healed up.

But this was just the beginning of a lot of changes that will turn the world upside down.


Narrator POV:

A big upper class family we're having a discussion with a couple of their friends about a child they adopted and how he can't be out in the sun.

Said child was in a room reading a book but little did anybody know, that child was the king of demons in disguise.

The demon akaza came to his room at night to give his report.

"Did you find what I seek?"

The demon king asked him

"I investigated there was no certain information. I also couldn't confirm it's existence. I did not find a blue spider lily."


"I will continue searching to find the answers you seek. I also encountered her the girl you have sent us all to retrieve."

The demon king snapped his head towards his subordinate giving him a deadly glare

"You didn't kill her did you?"

"No of course not. I merely saw her. She's a hashira know as the angel hashira. I discovered her name is y/n l/n. That is basically all I've gotten to report."

Muzan turned his head back the bookshelf.

"You are dismissed."

With that akaza disappeared back into the forest.

"Y/n l/n. I think y/n kibutsuji sounds better."

He smiled to himself as memory of the women came to mind.


"Rengoku-San. You don't have to keep getting me gifts. I mean I like them they are really thoughtful but you given me a lot already."

I told the fireheaded male standing at my bed.

"Shouldn't you also be resting? You are still in the process of healing."

He smiled and just rested your head on the end of my bed.

"Well I just really like seeing you and talking to you."

"I really enjoy talking you too! I'm glad that your doing fine and keeping up that smile!"

"After I heal I have to go back home. Would you like to meet my brother? I feel like you two would get along!"

I thought about it. But then the door opened up

"Rengoku-San. What are you doing out of bed. Your still badly injured!"

Shinobu told him walking into the room with her smile.

"Ah looks like I've been caught! I'll see you later y/n-Chan!"

He said getting up and walking back to his Room.

"L/n-chan would you like to have a cup of tea together while we chat?"

Shinobu asked and I nodded my head.


It's been a few weeks after we all healed up. Me rengoku, and tanjiro were heading towards rengoku's home.

Tanjiro tagged along cause rengoku mentioned how the books his father used to read might know something about this mysterious breathing technique.

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