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Arjun's Pov:

          I was waiting outside the hospital room where my Maya has been taken in for delivery. My in-laws, Yamuna, my parents everyone were standing nervously. I was so scared too. After a long wait doctor allowed me inside. My Maya was unconscious while my baby was crying beside her. My eyes instantly filled with tears as I kissed Maya's forehead and took my baby in my hands.

          My baby boy. I smiled at him as he wriggled in my hands. I am the happiest man in the world today! Maya's eyes opened slightly and her lips played a small smile. She looks so exhausted. I placed our baby near her and a tear slipped down her eyes as she looked at him and then at me. What do I need more in my life? It's perfect. This moment, this indescribable love we have is enough for us to live happily forever.

            Everyone came and visited Maya the next day in the hospital. Maya was getting healthy too. Once she and our baby boy were perfectly alright we were discharged from the hospital to our home. My mom and dad were so delighted to welcome us. But the real shock was Meera. She stood there with a smile as we entered the home.

           "Surprise," she said and Maya looked at me then at Meera. "She was back to her normal self!" My mom said happily and I went near her and gave her the biggest hug. I did miss my sister a lot. "I'm sorry Anna(big brother)" she mumbled into my chest. "It's okay Meera" I smiled at her and went back to Maya.

      " I'm sorry Anni," Meera said to Maya and took our baby boy in her hands. Maya gave her a small smile and nodded at her. Our family is back to being happy! Maya denied carrying her up the stairs so I helped her walk up before returning and taking my baby boy up the room.

        He was crying profusely and I got so concerned. "Why is he crying, Maya?" My eyebrows were furrowed as I walked into our room. "Shall we go back to the hospital?" I mumbled some sweet nothings to calm him down but he was crying so much now. Maya laughed at me and smacked my forehead. "My baby is hungry" saying that she began to feed him.

      Oh, so I misunderstood. I should do some research about babies on the internet. Our whole day time was spent playing with our baby and taking care of him. At night I watched as Maya placed our baby boy in the cradle and smiled at him.

          I am still calling him as baby boy! He needs a name. As soon as Maya sat on the bed I asked her that. "Even I forgot about it! Everyone was calling him by various cute names" she chuckled and we both went on to think about the names that would suit our baby boy. But much to our dismay Maya didn't like the name I suggests and I didn't like the name she suggests.

             I groaned and fell back on the bed with a sigh. "Maya, what about baby boy? That sounds nice right" she gave me a sharp look before falling near me and shaking her head with a smile. During midnight our baby boy cried so badly that he woke up our whole house. My parents and Meera were standing outside our room hearing him crying.

       I consoled them that it's nothing and he is just hungry. Maya was all smiley for the concern our family has for our baby boy. She fed him and he again slept peacefully. The next morning I was playing with him by showing him different toys in the living room. He smiled happily but when he sees Maya he will start his crying of course for milk!

             Later in the evening, Yamuna came to meet our baby boy and Maya. "here sweetheart" she took the baby from my arms and smiled at him. To our surprise, he didn't cry when he was with her. He doesn't even want to return to us from her. " Huh! See here Arjun he seems to love Yamuna more than me." Maya whined at me. Even when Maya went to take him back from Yamuna he didn't give in and snuggled closer to her arms. Woah! Woah!

              "Okay then stay with my sister. I won't feed you" Maya said playfully to our baby boy and as if understanding her words he began to cry and I chuckled at his antics. My boy is a real foodie just like Maya. Yamuna left at night after spending quality time with my baby boy. Like they have some connection he was all laughing with her. Maya and I got surprised actually.

               And just like that two months passed and we still didn't name our baby boy. Currently, Maya and my parents were getting ready to go to one of our close relative's marriage. Meera was working as a teacher in a nearby high school. And I was looking after my baby boy while Maya put on her makeup.

           " Don't scare him, don't give him any other food than what I have said, and don't you take your phone or laptop" Maya ordered as she placed a kiss on my cheeks and my baby boys.
She wasn't taking him with her to the marriage as it will be not comfortable for him to be there. I am more than happy to look after my baby boy though!

                I stepped downstairs with my baby boy and bid my parents and Maya bye. Maya entered the car but came back again to place a kiss on our baby boy's forehead. "Maya, trust me I'll take good care of him" I smiled at her and she nodded her head before returning to the car.

            I looked down at my baby boy and smiled "Mom will be back soon"


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