Ant-Man & Minish Cap Link

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"So, your name is Link?" Scott asked.
The boy in green nodded.
"But we have other Links around, so...what do I call you?"
The boy thought for a moment, then shrugged. "Not sure."
"How about Smith?"
"Isn't that a common name?"
Scott paused. "You're right, that's sounds—"
"Actually, I like it. My grandfather is a blacksmith, so the name is quite fitting."
"Well then, Smith, tell me again how you got here."
Link—Smith—shrugged again. "All I remember is seeing a kind of swirling vortex of some sort that pulled me in and I sort of blacked out when I went in."
Scott chewed on that then shook his head. "Well, let's show you around. I'd like you to meet some friends of mine..."
Scott led Smith to a car, to which the boy hesitated. Scott cocked his head. "You never seen a car before?"
"Car? What's a car?"
Scott looked at Smith like he was insane. "It's a vehicle that allows you access to far places. How do you not know what it is?"
Smith gave a blank stare. "Where I come from, we don't have Or anything like it. Well, maybe carts but..."
Scott shook his head. "You are in old times, kid. Anyway, get in and I'll show you to some friends."
Smith hesitated a little, then climbed inside and sat down in a seat next to the driver. Scott looked at him, then nodded to the seatbelt. "Buckle up."
Scott rubbed his eyes, then proceeded to explain how to buckle a seatbelt. With some effort, Smith finally was able to buckle the seatbelt. They drove to Dr. Pym's house, all the while Smith clutched anything he could get his hands on to stop himself from moving as the car rolled. Scott unbuckled and got out, closing the door. He heard a rustle and looked inside to see Smith struggling to remove the seatbelt. A minute later, Scott rang the doorbell, to which Smith jumped and drew his sword. Dr. Pym opened the door to Scott trying to explain what a doorbell was to Smith.
"I hope you have a good reason for coming to see me," he said, shaking his head and closing the door. "Because I'm busy."
"Wait! I have someone here to introduce you to."
Dr. Pym stopped, then looked at the boy in green, cocking an eyebrow. "Who is he?"
"Can we come in?"
Dr. Pym sighed and allowed them entry. Smith looked at the mansion in wonder, looking at the ants as they worked around the house. Dr. Pym pulled Scott over into another room and rubbed his eyes. "You brought a kid to see me? Scott, what motivated you to do something so childish?"

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