Chapter 14

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Phil was buzzing with excitement while he was pacing around outside their shared home. He can finally introduce Techno to his wife! Even if they have met before... it's something different now.

It's been a couple months since he last visited Kristin in her realm, the last time was probably right before the L'Manburg explosion that damaged his wing. Traveling to the place where he could enter her realm without a problem already took a week when flying, so going there by foot will take forever.

The large crow looked up at the sky, closing his eyes when a soft wind rushed by. If only his wing would heal faster... but growing such large feathers takes time, especially if they are your primary feathers. He knows there are cases where they are just too damaged to ever recover, but he's pretty confident that that's not the case for his wing.

He stretched out said wing to look at it, as he often does to see if he made any kind of progress on healing. But when he tried to inspect his feathers, he froze. They... they were fine, no missing or burned feathers in sight.

'That can't be... they were still damaged when I transformed. Unless... they healed when I changed.'

While he was busy trying to understand if he was just seeing things, Techno came out of their shared living space and locked the door behind him. When he turned to his friend, he was met with a crow playing with his wing, pecking at feathers and chirping when the feathers didn't fall off his wing.

"Ummm... Phil? Are you okay?" The large crow immediately turned to him and cawed, spreading his wing to its full length to show it off. "Yes. I know. You have large wings. That's nothing new." Phil screeched at him and flapped his wing, a powerful gust of wing hitting the hybrids face. "I don't know what you want from me."

Now his friend spread both his wings and kept looking between the two, still cawing and chirping. Techno frowned and inspected both wings, but couldn't see a difference in them that would make his friend freak out like that. Then it hit him... both wings were the same. His damaged wing was healed!

"Wait wait wait... does that mean... you can fly again?" Phil chirped happily and sat down in the snow in front of Techno, obviously waiting for something. "Are you sure? I mean... won't I be too heavy?" The large crow seemed offended by that and went to peck his head again, which seemed to be his normal response to his friend saying stupid things.

"Okay okay. I get it. No more comments about looks or strength. I'm gonna have a huge dent in my head by the time you turn back..." Phil leaned down again and waited for his friend to climb on his back.

Techno hesitated at first before carefully grabbing a fistful of feathers to pull himself on his friends back. The body beneath him was warm and had no problem moving around with the extra weight now.

Once Phil was sure that Techno had a good grip on the feathers on his back, he spread his wings and looked up at the sky. Oh how much he had missed this feeling.

With a strong push of his wings he took off, climbing higher and higher into the sky. Techno held on to him for dear life, pressing as close as possible. The Piglin had never liked flying much the few times Phil had carried him around.

Once satisfied with the height, the large bird started to glide, occasionally flapping his wings to keep his height and speed. It was only then that Techno opened his eyes and sat up a bit straighter, looking around.

They were close to the clouds, the land beneath them so far away he can barely make out any details apart from where a forest ends and an ocean starts. Phil trilled happily and looked back at his friend. His eyes were glowing with euphoria. The poor bird had been grounded for too long, forced to watch his crows fly around while he himself couldn't.

Despite Techno not being a fan of flying or heights in general, he knew just how happy his friend must be now that he was finally free again, so he didn't dare to say a negative word about it. Instead, he smiled and stroked through the soft feathers on his friend's neck.

A few crows decided that they wanted to be part of the journey and followed the two, struggling a bit to keep up with their leader. Phil slowed his pace just a bit, allowing the crows to catch up, a few settling down on his back together with Techno.

The Piglin recognized a few of the birds, spotting both Ian and Brian in the small crowd. Of course those who would decide to come along. Even the Enderman looking crow was here, sitting on Techno's shoulder again.

"Just a question... how long will it take us to get to her? Caw for how many days." Ian was the first to answer, turning to Techno as he started screeching. The Piglin counted seven and groaned. "A week? We have to fly for a whole week?" Phil chirped and looked back at him, amusement obviously in his eyes.

"Oh you shut your mouth."

The Crow Of Death (DSMP AU)Where stories live. Discover now