A Bed of Sinful Lies ~ An Attestation of a Fallen Shinigami~

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Alan, with his Death Scythe in his hand, caught Eric who had fled from Crystal Palace, a place where the handsome yet vain, pompous and self-centered nobleman, Lord Aleister Chamber who was also popularly known as Viscount Druitt held a party that served as a sacrificial platform for Eric to gather a few hundred innocent souls. All the pieces of the puzzle were now in place  and the answer  to this mysterious case was as clear as crystal.  He just need Eric to speak the truth to confirm everything.

Suddenly, Alan's body projected a tremor. The bitter truth which had been prevailed to him caused him to agitate and he knew that there was no way for redemption.

"Case Number 666-4242... Alan Humphries, I leave this case for you to solve," said William T. Spears, the supervisor of Dispatch Management Division of Grim Reaper Dispatch Society as he handed a white file into Alan's hands.

It had never crossed in Alan's mind that a report on a case involving people mysteriously died at Westminster area without their names being listed down by the upper management of the Dispatch Society, moreover none of their souls were collected had to do with his most trustworthy partner, Eric Slingby. He could not bring himself to believe that the massacre of innocent people was Eric's doing, even silently hoped that this mistake was done by other Shinigami, for example, inexperience Shinigami newbies. Or perhaps, Grell Sutcliffe who had the history of violating Grim Reaper's work ethics when he meddled into mortal issue by being a butler to Madam Red (aka Baroness Dr. Angelina Dalles-Burnett) and helped her to kill innocent souls.

It came as no surprise to Alan not to notice his once-upon-a-mentor's strange behavior – almost every night the perfect Erica paragon, at least to Alan's personal interpretation of Eric, did not return to rest. Eric also voluntarily assisted Alan whenever he received huge tasks and joining Ronald Knox for group dating once the staff clocked out from the office every night. Eric casually told Alan that it was great to have someone pick up the tab which Alan found inappropriate for a senior to indirectly 'bully' his juniors.

And for Alan, personally he did not like the way Eric treated him – backed him up during his mission especially when he was instructed to handle big cases. He felt utterly useless and weak being treated like a baby; he hoped that Eric saw him as a reliable partner and junior regardless of his health condition. He wanted Eric to see his determination, and not helping him out of sympathy and worry-sick of his illness. He did not need others to tell him that his illness was fatal as he knew that too well. He wanted an equal treatment.

*Omae to itami wo (Your pain)

Wakeaeru nara (If I am allowed to)

Donna tsumi mo okasou (I will commit any sins just to share it)

"You...You've been collecting souls, haven't you? Is that right, senpai?" Alan asked, meeting Eric's eyes in a disarmingly bold fashion. Eric kept silent while giving his back towards his former mentee. "Answer me, senpai! Tell me why you're doing this!" He threw Eric another question, this time his voice sounded even more demanding.

Furious at his senior for remained silent, the brunette walked himself to approach Eric. He purportedly stood face-to-face in front of his senior although Eric swayed his vision elsewhere. With his hands crossed over his chest, Alan glued his chartreuse phosphorescent orbs onto Eric's handsome, yet restless countenance. 

"Still refuse to answer me? Fine! If you need souls that bad, senpai, then take mine as well!" He burst, before pointing his Death Scythe towards himself.

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