The Most Beautiful Death in the World ~ A Fate That Bounded Two Souls~

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Alan's small frame fell backwards, unconsciously fell directly into the embracement of his senior, Eric Slingby. While staring at Alan who was currently struggling between life and death after accepting a blow from Eric's death scythe, the senior Grim Reaper's eyes immediately grew wider, staring at the dying Alan with opened eyes cannot shut, like the whole world was breaking crumbled apart around him. He did not even shake, just being total paralysis with no conscious of what had just occurred.

Everything went so swiftly. Just now, Eric tailed behind Alan as the duo went on again to solve the case given by William T. Spears, then Eric faced the demon butler, Sebastian Michaelis and thus, the duel between a Grim Reaper and a demon erupted and seconds later, his eyes caught one mortal soul, the one he needed badly to complete his collection of 1,000 souls – the young English nobleman and Queen Victoria of United Kingdom's watchdog, Earl Ciel Phantomhive. Without further hesitation, Eric went after the young nobleman, but the only obstruction that stood between him and Ciel was Sebastian, who had his young master hid behind his back.

~A little throwback before Eric mistakenly killed Alan~

"What did you promise me back then, Eric-senpai?! Are you committing sins again for my sake?!" cried Alan in disbelieved. 

Alan was leaning on the tree while trying to rest so as to suppress the attacks from his illness when Eric and Sebastian were engaged in combat. Eric was already in bad shape after he received a few blows from Sebastian's attacks. The senior Grim Reaper also being stabbed by the butler's knife (a silverware that is used during eating) but surprisingly he did not fall dead, merely fell on his knees on the ground. Eric told Sebastian that although the knife might caused his death, however his soul would never be counted as one of the thousand souls collected as his soul was already beyond purity.

"One more....Just one more...Just one more soul and Alan will be cured!" Eric let out a yell before he brought himself up from the ground. His feet took him to where his death scythe was lying while his orbs locked Ciel Phantomhive in his visions.

~ End of throwback~

Stunned for a brief moment, Eric was brought back to reality when his yellow-green orbs stared upon Alan's pallid countenance and he heard his name being called by his junior. An overwhelming regret started to conquer his emotion, trying hard in his heart to deny the incident that just happened in front of his eyes, for he was definitely sure that his death scythe would land on a young mortal soul named Earl Ciel Phantomhive. He did not, least to say, anticipated Alan's prompt action to stand in between him and the young nobleman, right before Eric's death scythe would lacerated Alan and eventually led Alan to suffer the after-effect of the laceration.

"Alan!!!!!!!" Eric's screams were shrilled and deafening, his voice echoed through the quietness of the distant night as his fingers ran on Alan's cheek which was slowly becoming icy cold. "Why did you do that? Why did you stop me?!"

Alan's soul is uncontaminated ; innocent and pure. His soul...his soul will add into my can it turn this way at the very last, crucial moment? 

In between of gasping another breath and to speak, Alan let out several coughing. He felt too enervated to keep on breathing, however his heart told him to speak now or never. Due to that, he soon realized that he was in the phase of facing the imminent death himself, the truth was so well fixed in his mind that his life even as the Grim Reaper was just as fragile as other mortal living souls.

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