Chapter 7: Changes

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In-yeop and Soomi who are sleeping on the sofa were awakened by the squeals of their daughter. The little girl was excited to see her father home after not seeing him for one night.

"Appa, you're home!" Areum climbs up the sofa and squeezed herself in between the two who are still half asleep and couldn't keep up with the energy of their daughter.

In-yeop lifted Areum and made her sit on his stomach. "You're up early," In-yeop said in his morning voice, staring at his daughter with one of his eyes still closed.

"It's not early. It's school day today. We still need to eat breakfast and prepare," she said as a matter of fact. In-yeop chuckled at what he heard, thinking how amazing it is that their kid knows those stuff at her age.

"Were you with the Uncles last night?" she asked more which made In-yeop silent. There's a heavy feeling in his heart after hearing his daughter's question.

"Hmmm..." was all he responded.

"With Uncle Jib, too?" Areum beamed with the mention of her favorite Uncle.

"You seem happy saying your Uncle Jib's name," In-yeop chuckled, trying to erase the guilt he feels from what he did last night.

"He gives me chocolates, plays with me, and tells funny jokes. He's my favorite Uncle," Areum smiled from ear to ear.

"Your Uncle Jib? Funny? You must be referring to Uncle Minwoo," he asked, not believing that the quietest from his men is being described as funny by a kid.

Areum shook her head to disagree. "Uncle Minwoo's jokes are not funny. But he's nice."

"How about Uncle Chorong?" In-yeop asked for he wanted to know how her daughter thinks of the people he trusts.

Areum crinkled her nose with the mention of Chorong. "He's okay," was all she said.

"Just okay? How okay?"

"He's nice, too," Areum answered shortly as she looks at her hands on top of her father's chest.

"You're heavy for appa to carry. Now, climb down and fix the things you'll need today for school," Soomi said with a loving smile on her lips. The little kid pouted but obeyed her mother and hopped out of the sofa. In-yeop saw the cute pout of his daughter so he sat up as well. Soomi stood up as well and went to the kitchen to prepare their breakfast and packed lunch for Areum.

"Want me to help you pack your stuff for school?" In-yeop suggested and Areum nods her head vigorously. "Alright! Let's go pack your school stuff and get you dressed so that your mom and I can take a bath together."

"Together?" Areum looked up at her father, mushing her eyebrows from curiosity.

"Yah, In-yeop!" Soomi almost lost her grip on the bottle of milk she is holding. Her eyes turned to saucers as she looked at In-yeop who just shrugged his shoulders like what he said is no big deal.

"Together, eomma?" Areum turned to her mother when In-yeop did not respond to her question.

"Your father is just kidding," she let out a nervous chuckle and glared at In-yeop who is trying to hold his laughter. "Go prepare for school."

Luckily, Areum dismissed the topic and pulled her father to go with her in her room. The little girl is just so excited to do everything together with her father. "I'll catch up with you. I'll just drink water," In-yeop told Areum and ruffled her hair. Areum responded with a loud 'okay' and run towards her room.

"You know what I said is not a joke, right?" In-yeop mentioned, obviously teasing Soomi, as he opened the fridge and got himself a glass of cold water. He turned to Soomi and stared at the girl over his glass as he drank water from it. Soomi rolled her eyes, smiled, and shook her head from how naughty In-yeop's thoughts are early in the morning.

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