Chapter 29: Rescuing Areum

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With the plan set, they headed to the abandoned building, the weight of their mission heavy on their shoulders. As they approached, Jib created a distraction by setting off a loud car alarm near the entrance, drawing several guards away.

Yumi stayed back, communicating with the police and keeping an eye on their surroundings. Inyeop, Soomi, Dongmin, and Chanhee slipped into the building through a side entrance, moving quickly and silently.

The interior was as dark and foreboding as Inyeop remembered. They navigated the halls carefully, following the layout Inyeop had outlined earlier. Suddenly, they heard voices from a nearby room.

"She's in here," one of the men said, his voice echoing. "Mr. Han wants her alive."

Inyeop signaled for the group to split up and cover different angles. Dongmin and Chanhee took positions at the door while Inyeop and Soomi moved closer to the source of the voices. They peered through a crack in the door, spotting Areum huddled in the corner, guarded by two men.

Inyeop gave a silent signal, and Dongmin and Chanhee burst into the room, taking the guards by surprise. "Appa! Eomma!" she cried, relief flooding her voice. Just as Inyeop and Soomi was about to rush to Areum, a gun was pointed at the temple of the child's head, making the little girl cry in fear. Mr. Han appeared from a nearby door with a smirk plastered in his face.

"You never learn, do you? All of you?" Mr. Han said as he walked near Areum. "It's been a cycle with you people. I chase you, you chase me, you try to get me, but in the end I always get you," he laughed then looked at Inyeop.

"My son, you disappoint me," he said which made Inyeop rage in anger.

"I am not your son!" He spat.

"Let's cut the chase, shall we? You know what I want from the beginning," Mr. Han run his hand on the soft hair of the little girl, making the kid tremble in fear. "I want that bitch dead from the beginning. Now if you cannot handle it, Inyeop, let me have Soomi in exchange of your precious daughter."

Mr. Han's offer hung in the air, the tension palpable. Soomi's heart pounded in her chest as she looked at Inyeop, her eyes pleading. Inyeop's fists clenched, his jaw tight with anger. He knew what Mr. Han was capable of, and the thought of Soomi falling back into his hands filled him with dread.

"You fucking think we'll fall from your trap? You cannot --"

"I'll do it," Soomi said, her voice barely above a whisper. "Let Areum go, and I'll go with you."

"No!" Inyeop protested, stepping forward, but a firm hand on his arm stopped him.

"Inyeop, listen to me," Soomi said, her voice steady despite the fear in her eyes. "We can't risk Areum's life. You know what that man is capable of. Do you think you daughter can handle that? She's just a kid!"

"And do you think I can handle letting you go to that monster? Soomi, we've been through this and I'm not risking you again!" Inyeop's voice tremble.

Soomi cup Inyeop's cheek to make him look at her. "We're talking about an innocent child, Inyeop. Our child... Our daughter," she hugged him and whispered. "I believe in you, Inyeop. I believe you can rescue me again."

She let's go of him and smiled bitterly. Inyeop looked into Soomi's eyes, seeing the determination and love shining through the fear. Reluctantly, he nodded, knowing she was right. He cannot let anything happen to her nor his daughter.

Mr. Han smirked, pleased with Soomi's decision. "Wise choice, my dear. Now, come with me."

Soomi stood up, her legs shaky, but her resolve unwavering. She took a step towards Mr. Han as her daughter ran towards Inyeop. Inyeop hugged Areum so tight as he looked Soomi who is now being dragged away by Mr. Han and his men.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12 ⏰

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