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"Hey whore. Are you ready for the party tonight?" Said my best friend Jessica as she sat next to me in first period.

"Ummm....yes?" I said trying to sound confident, but it came out sounding like a question.

"Well I'm soooooo pumped. I heard Jason is gonna be there and you know how delicious he is. Oh wait no you dont because you have been in love with Daniel freaking freesco for three fucking years!" Said Jessica. She tends to cuss a lot when she gets angry.

"Jess! Stop shouting! You'll wake the dead!!" 

"You know, I think the whole world should know who you're destined to be with." She said starting to stand up on her desk. "Hey guess what everybody! Juliet is in love with-"

"That will be enough Miss Jones! You and i will have a little discussion after class about privacy and respect!" Said my homeroom teacher, Mrs. Fez.

"While we're at it why don't we talk about freedom of speech bitch." Mumbled Jessica under her breath.

I giggled. My little Jessica.

She was a bright girl who didn't care what other people thought and wasn't afraid to speak the truth. She had brown bone straight hair and tan skin. She also had a nose ring which I thought was cute, but what really made her beautiful was her eyes. They were bright and full of mischief. They were a blue-ish/grey-ish and kind of hypnotized you.

She never believed me when i told her she was beautiful. She would always just look at me with her eyes clouded over with sadness.


"You're so stupid!" Said Jessica still snorting from the story i had told her.

"I know." I said giggling.

All of the sudden Jessica became serious.

"That was just a joke. Don't ever call yourself stupid because you aren't. You are prettier and smarter then most of the girls at school and you are most definitely not stupid. Promise me you won't ever call yourself names or put yourself down. Promise."

I was kind of scared. I had never seen this part of Jessica. She was always bubbly and happy.

"I-I-I-I promise." I said stuttering still kind of shocked.

Jessica let out a loud sigh and saddens became a mask that covered her whole face.

"Um...Juliet...I have to tell you something..."

~~Flashback ends~~

That was the day I learned Jessica's background and why she was so serious in that one moment.

Jessica's father became an alcoholic after he lost his job and the family became really poor. After a while things started to get bad. Jessica's dad would beat her and her mom and sometimes it was so bad and Jessica couldn't even go to school. He would always call Jessica and her mom names and it made her depressed. She also told me that her mom and her escaped and that her mom married a rich bastard. After she told me that i would watch how I acted around her.

"Juliet!" Yelled Mrs. Fez.

"Um..yes Mrs. Fez?" I said feeling uneasy. I was not a people person.

"Answer the question!"

"Uhhhhh....." I said not wanting to ask what the question was.


Class was over. Thank god

I picked up all of my stuff and shuffled out of the room with Jessica at my heels.

"You're lucky whore. You looked like you were about to piss your pants when she yelled at you! It was hilarious!"

I gave Jessica a sideways glance telling her to stop.

"Well...I will see you at that party." She said with wiggling eyebrows.

Oh yeah. The party.

The picture in the media box is of Jessica! Hope you liked this chapter!

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