【Part six】

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Summary: Michael Is met with heart ache and turns to the only person he cares about and trusts, (y/n)

Warnings: suicide fluff and angst

Word count: 905


When I woke up I was alone, Michael was gone, I furrowed my brows as I walked down stairs, he was nowhere in sight, he must have gone home.

I would have liked to say goodbye but I guess I'd just have to get packed and leave on my own, with a soft sigh I went back upstairs and began to pack

As I was half way through my phone started ringing, I picked it up to see that Constance was calling me.

I stood there confused for a moment, did Michael go home? was she mad that he had stayed out all night without telling her?

I picked up and put it on loud speaker. "hello..?" I said slowly "(y/n) sh-shes gone, she's d-dead"

It was Michael, he sounded hysterical. "wait what, who?" I asked "my grandma" he cried, my eyes widened.

"how? what happened?" I asked with concern. "I went home to p-pack so I could come w-w-with you and she-" he began to cry again.

"hold on Michael, I'm coming over" I said hoisting my bag over my shoulder. I then hung up and ran downstairs and out the door.

when I arrived the door was open and Michael sat on the doorstep, his eyes were red and puffy. "Michael?"

his eyes shot up and he ran towards me "it's all my fault" he said wrapping his arms around me and cried into the crook of my neck.

"shh It's okay" I said softly, rubbing his back. "what happened?" I added, pulling away to look at him.

"I-I don't know, I came home and she wouldn't wake up" he replied as tears rolled down his face, I cupped his cheek and wiped them away with my thumb

"ohh Michael, I'm so sorry" I said with deep sorrow. seeing him like this broke my heart.

he took me inside and there she was, sitting on the couch, I walked over and checked her pulse. she was gone

"she doesn't want to see me anymore, I don't know what to do" he sniffled. I looked around and saw multiple pill bottles, I sighed sadly.

"you should come with me" I said, putting my hand on his shoulder. he nodded slowly, picking up his backpack.

We went back outside and saw Constance's car parked out front. "d-do you know how to drive?" he asked. "yeah, I drove my moms car around sometimes"

we both hopped in and I started up the car. "where are we going?" he asked. "I honestly have no idea" I answered running a hand through my hair.

"let's just get out of town first" I continued as I began to drive down the street. "okay" he replied quietly.

it was funny to think that I hadn't even known him a full week but somehow it felt like I had known him forever.


after about five hours of driving I came to a stop outside a motel, I was exhausted and just wanted to rest, Michael had fell asleep with his head resting against the window about an hour ago. the ride was been mostly quiet, we had sat in a comfortable understanding silence.

"Michael, wake up" I said shaking his shoulder, he sat up and stretched with a yawn. "where are we?" he asked, looking around. "I'm not sure but we need to rest, it's been a long day" I answered, unbuckling my seatbelt.

I got out the car and he walked along side me. as we entered the motel an older lady with glasses and black curly hair sat behind the desk, reading a magazine.

I asked for a room and gave her the money, she passed me the key with disinterest, then went back to reading her magazine.

as soon as I opened the room door I immediately flopped down onto the bed with a tired sigh, Michael sat down beside.

I sat up to look at him and he gave me a small smile. "It's gonna be okay" I said wrapping my arm around his shoulder, he nodded and kicked off his shoes, I did the same

I crawled up to the top of the bed while he walked around and laid down beside me. I couldn't help but stare at him, he looked perfect.

"what are you looking at?" he asked with slight amusement. "nothing" I answered, quickly looking away.

he shook his head and smiled then pulled me closer so he could lay his head on my chest. I grabbed his hand and laced my fingers with his.  "thank you" he said.

"for what?" I asked. "for being my friend" he replied, I felt my heart melt with happiness and another feeling I couldn't quite decipher.

"thank you for being my friend too, I never really had any until I met you" I said while running my other hand through his hair.

"well now you have me" he replied giving my hand a light squeeze.

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