i kissed a girl

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tagged: beawareofnargles and threebroomsticks

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tagged: beawareofnargles and threebroomsticks

liked by: draco.malfoy, harryjpotter and 2331 others

aria.lblack: first ever real date 👉👈

user: I saw them in there! they are literally too cute 💞

user: is that aria's scarf that photobombed?
└aria.lblack: lol yeah 😂
user: omg aria replied. my life is completed ✨💅

blaise.zabini: treat me a butterbeer for you first date 😳🥺
aria.lblack: ofc, bestie!

draco.malfoy: I want a butterbeer too
└aria.lblack: will think about it

user: I want to see these two together ^

user: me too ^^

user: me too ^^^

blaise.zabini: cool then I am not the only one. I ship these two too ^^^^
aria.lblack: lmao blaise! 5 points from slytherin!
user: omg I stan this friendship!
draco.malfoy: uhm blaise.... we need to talk! ><


tagged: beawareofnargles

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tagged: beawareofnargles

liked by: draco.malfoy, siriuspadfoot and 2409 others

aria.lblack: I kissed a girl and it felt good


user: oh my merlin!!! they are so cute together 💞

user: love them to the moon amd back

harryjpotter: thats my sister yall!!!

user: stan them for good grades #queenshit💅

h.granger: go ariaaa! get it 💋
you both look cute...

user: am I the only one who ship aria and draco?
user: you are not alone, I ship them too
user: draco and aria would make a very cool couple
user: yeass^^^ I really want them together

user: ahhhhh my heart!

beawareofnargles: we need to talk!
aria.lblack: sure thing baby!

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