cups, graduation and party

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tagged: harryjpotter, ginnyweasley, ronweasley, deanthomas and gryffindorlions

liked by: mmcgonagall, leejordan and 5436 others

aria.lblack: showing off my quidditch uniform for the last time and also my team, winning the house cup 🦁🏆
#gryffindorsuperiority #gryffindorlions
📷: photographercolin



remusjlupin: proud dad and professor
aria.lblack: love you 

user: slytherin lost again!
aria.lblack: prOUdlY
user: aria replied to me!!!! brb screaming

mmcgonagall: so proud of my house!
user: we stan a QUEEN

user: aria in her uniform is a sight

drariaforever: LOVE

albusdumbledore: you are winning the house cup as well, maYbe?!



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