bill and fleur

212 12 10


- private texts between ferret boy and blood traitor -

blood traitor

ferret boy
aria, calm down
Missing me already?

blood traitor
You wish?
When are you coming?
The wedding is tomorrow?

ferret boy
I am packing my things
Maybe apparate tomorrow
Early morning!!

blood traitor
I miss you
Very much

ferret boy
I miss you too, love
Only a night away
We're meeting tomorrow

blood traitor
Cant wait to see you
I really do miss YOU
And Hate To Say It But

blood traitor Cant wait to see youI really do miss YOU And Hate To Say It But

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ferret boy
I thought you
loved my face??

blood traitor
Your stupid face?

ferret boy
and you love me??

blood traitor
I do

ferret boy
I aint coming

blood traitor
No draco
I was kidding

ferret boy
You cant make me know

blood traitor
Well then I will tell Narcissa
She will see you!

ferret boy
I was kidding, love
I am coming

blood traitor
You better do!
And yeah,

keep a touch of white
in your outfit.

ferret boy
You wearing white?

blood traitor

ferret boy
Then maybe
I will do too

blood traitor
Thanks draco!

ferret boy
Anything for my love
Oh btw,

Did I tell you that
I love you?

blood traitor
a million times

✓ 𝖆𝖑𝖊𝖝𝖎𝖙𝖍𝖞𝖒𝖎𝖆  _↱DRACO MALFOYWhere stories live. Discover now