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She's asleep now. How cute hehe

All of this feels surreal, is it really going to be okay?

I hope so, at least for her. She is too hard on herself... 

I  continued driving a few more rounds around her neighbourhood before driving towards her friend's apartment.

When we arrived at the parking lot, I tried to wake her up but she didn't even bother to budge.

I shake her but she only responded by whining like a child.

I decided to bring her to my place but then I decided not to.

I saw her phone on the dashboard and took it, but I don't know which number to call.

All of a sudden, I heard a ringtone. But it wasn't from my phone. It wasn't from the phone I was holding either.

I tried to find the source and found a phone in her purse. Never seen this phone before.

I answered it since I saw "bestie💕" was the caller ID.


???:Yah, where are you dumbass? It's late and I'm waiting for you!

Yoongi:Hello who is this?

???:Who are you? Why did you answer?

Yoongi:I'm Hwayoung's boyfriend. Who are you?

???:I don't care, what are you doing with her?

Yoongi:Who? Your friend?

???: You are an idiot. OF COURSE MY FRIEND, WHO ELSE?!

Yoongi:I'm trying to send her home but I don't know which one.

???:She didn't tell you?

Yoongi: No...

???: Where are you?

[A few moments later]

Hwayoung's friend came to pick her up, I helped her to bring Hwayoung into her car because Hwayoung was a bit "tipsy" after our dinner, she does know how to drink.

???:You've gained weight girl, I told you to eat small portions.


I just stayed silent observing her so called "bestie".

We put Hwayoung in her seat and I proceed to ask for her bestie's name.

Thir: The name's Thir, what's yours?

Yoongi: Wait, you don't know me?

Thir: Was I supposed to?

Yoongi: No... it's Yoongi

I swear I saw her eyes went wide when I said my name, but she played it cool with her expressions.

Why was she so surprised? Is she acting like she doesn't know me?

We bid our goodbyes and she drove off before me, I wanted to follow them to make sure she's safe but I decided not to do so.


What the hell just happened... was that the Yoongi that Y/N told me about?

If so, why did she let her guard down and get carried away with alcohol?

She isn't an addict tho, hmmm

When we arrived at our apartment, I had to piggyback her all the way up. These muscles do pay off one day.

She kept blabbering but I didn't care much, I am just trying to remember the recipe for hangover soup.

We reached our home and I let her fall on her comfy bed, she passed out already. I just put some water and medicine on her nightstand.

Now I'm going to ask "how to make hangover soup". I'm cooking it tonight so she can drink it once she wakes up in the morning.



ugh my head... wait... Am I in my room?


I felt a presence at my room's door.

Thir: Rise and shine my blooming flower, hangover soup is on the kitchen counter and no, you didn't get wasted.

I was too stunned to speak, how did she know about yesterday? But as I recall... I did drank a lot of wine ugh...

Thir: Yah! Dumbass! Get up this instant and go shower cause you stink.


Thir: Yeah yeah whatever, go take a quick shower, I made soup for you.

Y/N: Soup for breakfast? Sounds tasty, wait for me.

Thir just sighed at her bestfriend and went to the countertop to serve breakfast


Y/N: Hiyaaaahh!!!



Thir: Stop playing around, here drink this soup. I also made pancakes in case you're hungry.

Y/N: At this rate, I might as well ask you to adopt me to be your legal daughter.

Thir: Nonsense, eat your food carefully so you won't choke and die in our apartment. I'm off to wo-

Y/N: *chokes*

Thir: Of course, right after I said not to.

Thir went to rub Y/N's back, She gave Y/N water to drink.

Y/N: *shocked* Ou- our apartment?

Thir: Um yeah? We live together so it is our apartment.

Y/N: Oh Thir you don't know how much this means to me. Thank you...

Thir: Hey, don't you dare thank me, this is the least I can do for you.

Y/N: Let's have lunch together today, my treat!

Thir: Sure! Let's try out that new cafe near my workplace? I heard that they serve a good variety of pasta.

Y/N: Okay, I'll be there at 1.00p.m

Thir: Okay see you!


Hello everyone, It's been almost a year since I last updated. Sorry for keeping you all waiting. My life has been hectic this past months. I am really grateful for each and every one of you who follows me and reads my stories. Thanks again and I appreciate you all!

 Thanks again and I appreciate you all!

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Have a great day and don't forget to vote my story!

published: 29/11/22


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