Chapter 15

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When Jennifer arrived at the Cullens' house and stepped out of the car, her eyes immediately locked onto Laurent. Edward stood protectively in front of Bella, while Rosalie positioned herself in front of Jennifer, her gaze softening when she saw her mate arrive.

Before Edward could react aggressively, Carlisle stepped in, his voice calm but firm. "Wait—he's here to warn us about James."

Laurent, standing cautiously before the family, nodded. "This isn’t my fight, and I’ve grown tired of his games. I haven’t encountered anyone like him in my 300 years. And the woman, Victoria... do not underestimate her."

His gaze briefly lingered on Jennifer, noticing her human heartbeat and blue eyes—so different from the golden ones he'd seen on the field.

Without further words, Laurent turned and left, heading north toward the Denali Coven in Alaska.

As the family made their way to the garage, Jennifer’s anger simmered just beneath the surface. Her fury at Bella was almost palpable, and Jasper, sensing her emotions, wisely stayed silent. He knew better than to intervene.

Once they were inside the garage, Jennifer turned on Bella, her rage finally boiling over. Without warning, she slapped Bella across the face, the sharp sound echoing in the room. Bella stumbled slightly, stunned by the force of the blow.

Edward moved to step in, but Jasper held him back, shaking his head. This wasn’t something he should interfere with.

"REALLY?!" Jennifer’s voice was venomous as she stared Bella down, her blue eyes blazing with fury. "If I don’t leave now, I’ll be trapped here like Mom? Does that sound familiar to you? Are you out of your mind? Do you have any idea how much you hurt Dad with that? Or does none of that even cross your mind?"

Bella’s lip trembled, but her tears felt hollow, a performance Jennifer wasn’t buying. Her anger only grew.

"You didn’t have to say that to him, Bella. He’s trying his best to be a good father. Give him a chance! Stop being such an ungrateful brat. If I wasn’t holding myself back for Esme and Carlisle’s sake, I’d slap you again!" Jennifer’s chest heaved with emotion as she finished, glaring at her sister.

The family stood in stunned silence, none of them having ever seen Jennifer this furious. Bella’s tears flowed, but to Jennifer, they felt insincere—another act. Jasper, sensing the disconnect, realized Bella wasn’t as scared as she wanted them to believe.

Breaking the tension, Jasper spoke up. "I’ve fought our kind before. They’re not easy to kill, but it’s not impossible."

Emmett added, his voice dark and resolute, "We tear him apart and burn the pieces."

Carlisle, ever the compassionate soul, sighed. "I don’t relish the idea of killing another creature—not even someone as sadistic as James."

Jennifer turned on Carlisle, her eyes sharp. "And what if he kills one of us first? Would you still hesitate to act, even if it meant losing your family?"

Bella glanced around, trying to hide a small, almost smug expression. But she had forgotten about Jasper, who could sense everything. He shot her a disapproving look, trying to keep her calm.

Edward spoke up, tense and determined. "I’m taking Bella south. We need to run."

Carlisle shook his head. "No, Edward. James knows you’d never leave her side. He’ll follow you."

Alice stepped forward, her voice steady. "I’ll go with Bella. Jasper and I will take her south. That way, he won’t expect it."

Bella’s lips twisted into a smirk, her eyes darting toward Jennifer. "What about Jennifer? Won’t he try to kill her too?"

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