Chapter 92

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Matt's POV: After leading Gabby downstairs to the parking lot, I just smiled as I held our hands with our fingers intertwined. "Okay, just curious...are we considering this a date?" Gabby then laughed when I asked her that. "Depends, do you want to have more sex later?" I nodded when she asked me that and smiled. "You offering?" Gabby then went to push me away. "I am just saying, this is not a date. I am going to see my business." I nodded and agreed with her. "If it's open. I am not sure what they are doing Gabby." Leading her to my truck, I smiled at her.

"By the way, we are going to have to do something about your truck." I looked at her when she said that. "What are you talking about?" Gabby then looked at me. "Uhm, we need a van for twins babe." I thought about it and just agreed with her. "Right, that makes sense. How did I not think about that." Gabby just nodded and agreed with me as she turned to look at me while standing next to my truck. Stepping close to her, I went to put my hands on her stomach and just smiled as I went to tug my mask down. Doing the same, Gabby smiled as I went to kiss her.

"By the way, we need to call that realtor later okay? I want to go see that place while they are still doing some during COVID. If we can spend COVID getting our home ready for the twins, then that would be great." I nodded and agreed with her when she said that. Looking down at her stomach, I smiled because I just loved doing this. Gabby then went to put her hands on my arms as we held each other close. Going to kiss her forehead, I smiled at her before bending down to kiss her nice and slowly. "Remind me why we are wearing our masks when it's just us?"

Gabby shrugged. "I am probably not going to wear it at the restaurant just to let you know. I trust the people at the firehouse." I nodded and agreed with Gabby when she said that. "By the way, I think I have an idea for how we can reveal the gender of our kids." Gabby looked at me when I said that. "How?" I just smiled at her when she asked me that. "Something pink, something blue on the door of my office." Gabby smiled and agreed with me when I said that before going to wrap her arms around me. "Have I told you that you are really smart?" I just laughed, smiling.

"Believe me, I already know that because you chose me to be the father of our children." Gabby nodded when I said that and went to grab my hand. "Matt, you know there was no other choice for me right? You have always been the future father of my children." I nodded and just smiled when she said that. Stepping close to her, I went to kiss her softly and just took it slow with her before asking for entry into her mouth. "Walk later by the water?" Gabby nodded and agreed with me. "That sounds perfect." I smiled and agreed with her before opening her door.

Going to get in my truck, Gabby smiled as she went to buckle up. "By the way, still love the tight shirt." Gabby nodded and agreed with me when she felt me put my hand on her stomach. Rubbing it, I just looked into her eyes before feeling her put her hand on mine. "Why must you just have this easy way of making me fall in love with you." I smiled when she said that. "I love you too and I am so glad to be your husband." Gabby nodded and agreed with me when I said that. "Just get in your truck so that we can get out of here." I nodded and agreed with her.

Walking around the truck, I smiled as I went to join her when I realized something. "You know what I just realized? I just had sex with you and haven't showered." Gabby shook her head. "But we took a bath together last night so it's okay. Just take a breath and relax. I want to get to the restaurant." I nodded and agreed with Gabby when she said that. I then went to go start my drunk and changed gears to get out of here. Watching where I was going, I pulled out of our parking spot and just smiled as I went to drive Gabby to Molly's. "Firehouse after?"

Gabby turned to look at me when I asked her that. "Can we wait until it's our friends on shift? And why do you have to go there?" I then bit my lip. "I need to clean out my locker." Gabby nodded when I said that. "We can always get Severide to do that for us." I smiled and agreed with her. "Good idea. By the way, we should make plans to get together with them. I know you want to spend a bit of time with Stella sometime." Going to pull up to the road, I checked both ways before going to pull out so that I could drive towards Molly's that morning.

"You going to propose delivery services?" Gabby looked at me when I said that. "How do you know about that?" I just laughed and smiled at her. "I saw it in your browser history." Gabby nodded and just shrugged when I said that, smiling at me. "Yes, I am going to propose it. And as I expect you to second the motion if we are in a meeting." I was confused when she said that. "But I am not a Molly's owner." Gabby nodded. "Yes, you are. Since we are forever this time, we are going to split my shares. I am going to make your a part-owner of Molly's." I agreed.

Smiling at her, I went to grab her hand and went to intertwine our fingers. "I still love the idea of us being forever this time." Gabby nodded and agreed with me when I said that. "Me too. There is nobody else I would rather spend forever with than you Matt." I nodded and just agreed with her when she said that, moving to kiss her hand as we made our way to the restaurant.

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