Chapter 8

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Passion was in the air as two males shared a intense kiss with each other, for a good amount of time they kissed each other, Tyren and Joen couldn't stop. But they both break away panting softly as they can feel their cheeks burn.

Tyren: Fuck...

They stare into each other, Tyren staring with his yellow and green eyes and Joen staring back with his red eyes as they both stayed ose to each other

Tyren and Joen: I love you

They both said at the same time to each other as they both laugh softly and continue to make eye contact

Joen: Wanna become a thing?

Tyren: Hell yeah!

Joen: So that makes you my boyfriend?

Tyren: Yep! And you're mine

Joen: Good hehe

They both lay back down on the couch pressing their bodies together as they cuddle, Tyren's warmth from his fur and Joen's smooth body made them blush, time felt irrelevant for the two of them as they shared a moment not as friend nor bros, but as lovers...

A few days later...
It was a saturday night and the two new lovers have their duo championship to fight for, the two of then were stronger than ever as they make it to the ring they see the duo they're going up against, Tyren goes up first.

Joen: You got this hun

Joen whispered to Tyren to encourage hin and Tyren noded with a happy grin

Tyren: You can count on me Chokey

Tyren chuckled and faced his apponent, he fights the rival pokémon blowing punch after kick and hits enduring anything he's hit with untill both of them make a tag

Tyren: Leaving it to you for now

Tyren said as Joen fought the other pokémon, a big tyranitar stood before Joen, but with Joen knowing that Tyren was counting on him he held up a good fight against the big beast of a pokémon untill he tags with Tyren

Tyren: Let's do it!

Both Tyren and Joen jump on the ring's rope and then jump off it! Joen punches tyranitar on the face knocking it down and Tyren came down and slammed his elbow on its stomach! Tyren locked on to the opponent and...




Tyren and Joen win! The crowd goes wild as both of then celebrate with their championship belts showing all of their hardwork! They felt amazing and soon they headed home on the walk they chatted a while as snow fell upon them. Once home they go to bed together and cuddle together

Tyren: We did it hun, haha!

Joen: Yeah we were great out there...

Tyren: ...Wanna fuck?

The two fall silent and look at each other... they then smirk....

Joen: Bet.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2022 ⏰

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