32. boys

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M: one day I swear I'll kill all the boys

B: please don't, I happen to like those boys

M: but they're so frustrating

M: you've met them once and that was them on their best behaviour

B: yeah but they make good music and they're good looking

M: am I good looking?

B: very but you can't kill them

M: you would be surprised how difficult they all are

B: what did they do to you?

M: they happened to forget to tell me that there was a whole group recording session today

M: then continued to make a great song

M: but complain to me when I got home that I wasn't there

M: but it was Calum's fucking fault for not telling me that anything was happening today

B: :'(

M: I hate them

B: I get you're sad, id be too but it was one time, they're your best friends. it won't happen again, will it?

M: I hope not

M: but it just gets me down, knowing that they are better off without me

M: you should listen to the song, it's amazing

B: they're not better off without you

B: you're my favourite and complete the band perfectly

B: they know that too, they're best with you

B: don't believe what they say and what anyone else says

B: so many people would agree with me that you and you alone are the perfect person in the band, okay?

M: yeah

M: thanks bindi

M: thank you so much xx

B: I think you just need someone to remind you

M: and you'll always be that person

B: :) x

[a.n i kinda like this part of the book bc drama is soooon]

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