Chapter 24

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Mu Xiaoke stayed at home and didn't go anywhere, just waiting for Mu Xiangyang's response.

    At twelve o'clock at noon, Mu Xiangyang finally called, and Mu Xiaoke was waiting, but the smile on Mu Xiangyang's face made him stunned.

    "Xiao Ke, Dad just talked with your head teacher for a long time. She said that you have adapted well. This time the exam is so good, why don't you tell Dad in advance, come, come out, and Dad will take you to dinner."

    Mu Xiaoke was stunned, what did his dad say? Why do you want to go to dinner with him? Why is he so happy? Doesn't his dad know that he secretly made hairpins? Impossible, how could Mu Kai endure not to say it until now? What's the situation?

    "Xiao Ke?" Mu Xiangyang looked at him blankly, not knowing what he was thinking.

    "I see, let's go down."

.Mu Xiaoke hurried to find Mu Xiangyang, and when he arrived at the school gate, Mu Xiangyang and Mu Kai were waiting for him on the side of the road.

    Mu Kai smiled at him, but Mu Xiaoke felt terrified.

    Mu Xiangyang took the two brothers to eat nearby.

    When the father and son arrived at the restaurant, Mu Kai began to move. "Dad, look at this."

    Mu Xiangyang took Mu Kai's cell phone and looked at it carefully. It was a photo of a hairpin, which was exactly the agate hosta that Mu Xiaoke had done before. Mu Xiaoke sat next to Mu Xiangyang and recognized his work at a glance. Mu Xiaoke looked at Mu Kai, and Mu Kai raised the corners of his mouth, very proud.

    "Isn't it just a hairpin, what's so nice?"

    "Dad, don't you know, this hairpin is a small thing to make. It is said that it was bought by a singing internet celebrity, and it was on the Internet for a while.".Mu Kai's tone was brisk, as if he was happy that his brother was promising.

    However, this tone will only make Mu Xiangyang more uncomfortable, "Xiao Ke, what your brother said is true?"

    Mu Xiaoke didn't deny it, nodded directly, and made signs: "I like to do this."

    "You like to do this!? You are a boy, what can you do with these bells and whistles! I just thought you were sensible, knowing that you study hard, and you're still wasting time in private to do these unnecessary things!"

    "Hey, dad, don't be angry, calm down, Xiao Ke is just cultivating a little hobby, right? It won't affect your studies. You see that he can get good grades in the test even if he lives alone. It must be a good time. of."

."What time is arranged, he wants to live alone to do these things without telling us, no wonder he keeps not going home, you just spend all your time on this, right!"

    Mu Xiaoke listened quietly. He didn't know whether he should be sad or not. Mu Xiangyang's reaction was expected. His father was such an eccentric and good-looking person.

    For a good brother, this dad is obedient, and for a mediocre brother, this dad can ignore or even tire of spurning. So in the previous life, he directly married his youngest son to the Rong family in exchange for the Rong family's investment.

    Mu Xiaoke expressed his feelings by typing, "I want to inherit what my mother did."

.After ten years, he mentioned his mother again, directly uncovering the scars of the past, and no longer cared about his father's ridiculous dignity, because only when everyone was in pain would his father realize that he was serious.

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