Chapter 31

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When he was about to leave, Chu Han helped Mu Xiaoke to put on his clothes, "Are you satisfied today? Did the inspiration explode when I went back?"

    Mu Xiaoke nodded his head like smashing garlic. Before, he always felt that he couldn't understand the things in the fashion circle, but now he has discovered that looking at these things can really have new feelings.

    Mu Xiaoke puts the phone away, and you can’t lose the material tonight!

    " two, please stay."

    A lady stopped them suddenly, and Mu Xiaoke looked back and saw that it was a middle-aged woman who had been sitting next to him just now. The woman was exquisitely dressed, and she could be seen as a lady in the fashion circle.

    Chu Han asked, "What can I do for you?"

    The woman's eyes kept staring at Mu Xiaoke. Mu Xiaoke was a little uncomfortable when she saw him, and silently hid beside Chu Han.

.Only then did the woman realize that she had lost her temper, she quickly put away her straight eyes, and tried to soften her voice and said: "I just heard your conversation, and I take the liberty to ask, are you his brother?"

    Chu Han shook his head, "I am his teacher, what do you want to say?"

    "Oh, what hairpins did you just talk about? Who is making the hairpins?"

    Chu Han raised his hand and gently patted Mu Xiaoke on the shoulder, "It's him."

    " it convenient for me to see his works?"

    Chu Han was very cautious about this, and looked up and down the woman and the young girl next to her, "Are you going to buy jewelry from him?"

    "Oh no... I took the liberty. This is the business card of our studio. Please Hui Cun." The girl next to the middle-aged man immediately handed the business card to Chu Han.

.After Chu Han took it, he only glanced at it and handed it to Mu Xiaoke. Mu Xiaoke took it and took a look. It said "Li Fengming, Chairman of Fengyan Studio".

    Mu Xiaoke's expression instantly became exaggerated, and Chu Han asked, "Know?"

    Mu Xiaocan nodded vigorously, and looked up at the lady's eyes into worship! Fengyan is now the top studio in the jewelry industry. I have always heard that the studio is headquartered in City Y. Mu Xiaoke had originally thought of visiting it through Mu Xiangyang's relationship. Unexpectedly, I met it directly in this show today, and the chairman of the other person was still sitting next to him, and he didn't notice it! He really doesn't know Taishan!

    Li Fengming couldn't help laughing when he saw Mu Xiaoke like this. "It seems that the kids also know the company. I wonder if you can look at your previous works now?"

    sure! .Mu Xiaoke immediately took out the cell phone that was about to be powered off, opened his W-blog account, and showed each other the photos on it one by one.

    After reading it, Li Fengming fell into deep thought. After a long time, he asked: "Have you been a teacher?" When Li Fengming spoke, his eyes moved between Chu Han and Mu Xiaoke. The two knew that she had misunderstood, and Chu Han explained: "I am His high school trainee teacher is not a handicraft teacher."

    Li Fengming seemed to be relieved, looking at Mu Xiaoke intently, and Mu Xiaoke shook his head, "I followed... the notes left by my family." Mu Xiaoke explained by typing.

    "You... your family is very nice, but there is no teacher to guide you, it is easy to go astray. If you are interested in entering this industry in the future, you should find a teacher to study hard.".As Li Fengming said, she took out another business card from her own bag, "This master is an old man in our studio. If you want, you can try to contact him and learn from him."

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