Chapter 49

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Mu Xiaoke drank alcohol for the first time. Although the alcohol content was not high, he still had some hangover symptoms the next day.

    Chu Han carried a glass of water into Mu Xiaoke's room to look at him, and saw that he was pressing his head and was confused.

    Chu Han sat down and stretched out his hand, took his hand, and helped him massage his temples, "What's wrong, have a headache?"

    Mu Xiaoke nodded and looked at him a little bit complaining, as if he was acting like a baby. Chu Han smiled and rubbed his cheek, "Be good, drink some hot honey water." Chu Han held the water glass, but did not pass it. To Mu Xiaoke, but intended to feed him like this.

    Mu Xiaoke didn't realize this, so he opened his mouth and drank obediently. When he opened his eyes, he saw Chu Han's face close at hand. His face suddenly became hot, and he quickly took the cup to drink by himself.

    "I'm still shy. I leaned on my back last night, but I didn't see it at all."

.Mu Xiaoke didn't drink at all, and covered his face with his hands, and then gestured with great momentum, "I won't drink anymore!"

    At noon, Mu Xiaoke finally got up and got out of the room. Chu Han was busy with his own affairs on the sofa with his laptop. He looked at him and asked, "Are you hungry?"

    Mu Xiaoke nodded, and drank some honey water in the morning. He was full at noon. He gestured: "Eat dumplings. Auntie made a lot of dumplings and put them in the refrigerator."

    Chu Han put down the things in his hand and went to the kitchen with him, "I'll do it."

    Mu Xiaoke was not polite to Chu Han, anyway, after spending so many years together, as long as Chu Han came back, Chu Han would take care of him like this, he was used to it.

    When Chu Han went to cook, Mu Xiaoke sat at the bar next to him and played with his mobile phone, and by the way, he checked whether there were any private messages on several of his website accounts. .In the summer vacation of the past few months, he will definitely continue to go to the Fengyan Studio to help, and then complete the customization that he owed before.

    When he arrived at university... he looked up at Chu Han, thinking that Chu Han was about to graduate. If Chu Han came back from graduation, he would definitely want Chu Han to live in his own home, but he was going to university again... "If I go outside In college, what can you do when you come back?" Mu Xiaoke asked in a voice.

    Chu Han didn't look back, and answered quite plainly: "Then I will visit you from time to time, or you will often come back during holidays."

    "What's the difference between that and now?"

    Mu Xiaoke was a little unhappy. He didn't seem to realize that there was something wrong with his idea of ​​pestering Chu Han every day, but when he thought that he would still have to be separated for a long time to see each other, he was not very happy.

.Chu Han came over with the cooked fried noodles and looked down at him. As the two of them were close, Mu Xiaoke could almost count Chu Han's eyelashes. Chu Han seemed to be smiling, looking straight into his eyes, "What's the matter, you're upset?"

    Mu Xiaoke's heartbeat speeded up suddenly, and he quickly withdrew, "You are teasing me again!"

    Chu Han laughed and rubbed Mu Xiaoke's head, "Don't care about me, I hope you can be free, your ideal is more important than our meeting."

    Mu Xiaoke stared at him blankly, freedom, ideals... these were all things that he couldn't even think of in his last life. After he married Rong Yanzhe, these two words completely disappeared from his life. NS.

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