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I was laying on the hospital chair in Allys room, trying to go to sleep. It was like 12 am.

I heard the door open and close and I opened my eyes. Ally wasnt in her bed.

Where'd she go??

I decided to go look. I saw her walk into Johnsons room and decided to just try to go back to sleep.

I was half asleep when I heard some people in the hall yelling.

I peeked outside and saw people running into a room.

Hold up... isnt that Matts room????

I ran out the door and tried to go in the room.

"You cant enter this room," a nurse said as Ally came up to us.

"Shawn?" She asked. "Nevermind, just, whats going on in there?"

"I cant tell you that information until further notice."

"Just please let us in there," i begged.

"I cant let you in. Now please go back to your rooms," she said.

"I wonder whats going on in there," i said.

"What happened??" Johnson said as he ran up to us.

"We have no clue," ally said.

We went back to Allys room and Jack went to his room. "What couldve happened to Matt?" Ally said laying down looking at the ceiling.

"We'll have to wait." I sighed.



I was at the hotel laying on the bed. It was like 8 am and I was watching tv.

My phone started to ring and i quickly answered it, not wanting to wake up Maria or Nash. He stayed up till about 2 trying to get her asleep, then he passed out.

"Hello?" I said into the phone.

"JACK!" Shawn yelled.


"Somethings wrong, like, really serious."

"What happened?"

"Well I dont know the specific details, but something happened with something else and now Matt is in surgery and they dont know if he'll makeitoutalive," (I seriously just started singing Stitches; that's why its italicized😂)

"What?!" I yelled.

"Yeah it's insane," he sighed.

Then there were some muffled voices.

"Hold on, just a second," he said.

"OH, DUDE!!" He yelled.



"Oh cool!!" i said.

"But about Matt, do- do you think he'll be alright?" He asked.

"I don't know, man," i said. "I'm coming down there. See ya," i said and hung up.

"Dude what's wrong?" Nash said getting up.

"Well, Matt might die, and I'm going to the hospital," i said grabbing my keys.

"What?! Im coming with you," he said.

"What about Maria?"

"We'll take her with," he said.

"Take a child to a hospital? With her injured mom who has three injured friends, one close to death? Is that the best enviornment for a 4 year old?" I said.

"Geez, stop being such a house mom," nash said and grabbed maria.

I sighed and followed.


We entered the hospital, Nash carrying Maria, and ran to the elevator and went to Allys room.

"We're here," i said.

Surprisingly, Maria just now woke up.

"Hey mommy," she said when she said Ally.

"You guys brought Maria with?" Ally asked.

"What kind of babysitters are you guys?" Shawn said taking Maria.

"NASH MADE ME DO IT." I said and he rolled his eyes.

"Anyway, whats up with Matt?" Nash asked.

"We dont know too much, except that something happened and now he's in surgery." Shawn shrugged.

"Hey guys, I think I left my phone-" Cameron said walking in the room on his crutches, but got cut off.

"CAMERON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Nash screamed.

"Yo, Nash!" Cam said.

"GUYS HE'S AWAKE!" Nash said.

"Yeah.. You didnt know?" Shawn asked. "I told Gilinsky,"

Everyone turned to me. "Oops," i said and shrugged.

"But seriously, I think I left my phone in here," Cameron said.

Double update, like i mentioned in the last chapter,💥BABAM💥

Never Be Alone *Sequel to In A Flash Shawn Mendes fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now