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A-N: This chapter is a bit longer, because once I started, I couldn't stop. Also, people have asked me what Ally looks like... well... my friend is the only one who's asked me, but she's a people.... anyways, I didn't really know how to answer besides "brown hair and brown eyes" so I got to Googling images... and the pic above is kinda how I imagine her as a teenager and adult (maybe a little older tho for the adult)




We took Maria to the doctor the next day, and she had the flu. Great, just, great. *note sarcasm*

It's been 2 days, since the others left to go find Ally, and me and Matt had to take care of Mia.

We don't know what happened to the Jacks or Shawn or Nash, all we know is that Shawn texted us, "Help, or hide or run or just do something," and he never came back after that and never responded to any of our texts; neither did anyone else.

Me and Matt never left Maria alone, and we were always cautious of what we did. We called the police, but there was nothing they could do. We didn't have enough information.

Matt was on the couch with Maria, who was asleep. Suddenly someone knocked on the door. We exchanged glances, and I slowly got up and looked in the little hole thing.

As soon as I saw who it was, I opened the door and they ran in.

"Is everyone okay?!" he yelled. I nodded and Matt just looked really surprised.

"JACK?!? AND JACK!?" he yelled. "NASH?!" He yelled as he saw the Jacks and Nash.

"Yeah, yeah, we're here. IS EVERYONE OKAY?" Nash yelled.

"Yeah, except Shawn hasn't come back, or Ally, and Maria has the flu," I said.

His face expression totally changed.

He walked over to the couch and sat by Maria. She was still asleep. "Poor Maria,"

"Nash, we have bigger issues. Care to explain to them what happened?" Jack J said. Nash looked up at him and shook his head. "We know what happened and that's all that matters. But, we found Shawn. And Ally. We got out though. We tried to help them, but..." his voice trailed off. He was still looking at Mia.

Matt and I exchanged glances. "But.. what?" I said. He looked up at me and shook his head. "They're fine, but for all we know..." his voice trailed off again.

"Oh for the love of God, just tell us what happened!" Matt said. Nash sighed. "Well it started when we thought we were driving behind the Jacks, trying to find Ally..."



Right After They Got Out Of Their Car and Did NOT See the Jacks

"Where's Jack? And Jack?" Nash asked the guy in the car.

The guy laughed. Then out of no where, four guys came out and sprayed some stuff. The last thing I remember was being dragged and thrown into a van. I didn't have time to see my surroundings before I passed out completely.


I woke up an amount of time later in some room.

I had no idea what time it was or where I was.

I tried to look around, but it was really dark. Then I noticed that Nash was laying next to me.

"Nash," I whisper-yelled.

Never Be Alone *Sequel to In A Flash Shawn Mendes fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now