Ch. 1 | Crashing Down

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chapter one. CRASHING DOWN


With a yelp, a young girl looks up from her book and to a boy with a gummy smile. He used his legs to support his weight from a tree branch as he hang upsidedown.

The young girl smiled at him.

"Gene!" The girl, you, greeted the boy who only tilted his head to the side, gummy smile only widening at your greeting.

"Hello, lil' Y/n!" Gene greets you back with equal amount of joy and enthusiasm. "What'cha doin' there?" He looks at you then at the book in your hands.

And you snorted.

"Uh, reading?" You sassed before gently getting him down the tree before he could get hurt. "And you? Not getting into too much trouble, huh?"

Your tone held genuine concern that made Gene melt with warmth and love. You two are just the best of friends— maybe he even considers you as his own sister. But it still made him happy that someone cares about him.

Gene shakes his head. "Boon, Bourne and I are going on a little shopping spree—" You bit your lower lip at that parr. "And we want you to come along with us!"

You looked away with a thoughtful expression. You both know that the word "shopping spree" has a lot more different meaning.

Sure, you'd get something in the end, but it always leaves you to have a negative feeling.

"For Valhalla, Y/n."

You immediately swiveled your head to the left, meeting his desperate eyes. He was one of the few people that believed in you whenever you say "Valhalla". Anyone else just brushes you off, saying that it was nothing but a myth or a legend.

But not him.

Never, with him.

"We have to do this for Valhalla." Gene added with a whisper, making you bite your lip once more before hesitantly nodding. As bad as the actions you will partake later on, if this was a step to reach Valhalla, then you would do it.

So, you gave him a smile, and took his hand.

"For Valhalla, Eugene."

: :

Had you expect that something was genuinely wrong today, would you still be reading that book your mother once gave you. Instead, you ignored the feeling resting in the deepest pits of your being, thrashing and sobbing as you clawed the rough hands that tightly gripped your wrist.

The man growled and forcefully shoved you to his other companions who laughed at the mere sight of your tear stained cheeks. The tears kept on flowing like waterfalls, your throat already raspy and hurt from the endless begs and screaming you've done for the past minutes.

One moment you were merely accompanying your three best friends. Even if you didn't physically partake in the "shopping spree" they told you, you still gave them a little bit of company. That was until one of your friends had told you that there was someone that's been wanting to see and meet you.

And you were a fool to think that it was your mother.

You followed them to a more secluded area, unaware that multiple eyes were locked onto you.

A shadow loomed over you and multiple figures surrounded the four of you. With a smile, you turned around.

Only to see the hottest colors flash behind your back, with screams of agony, pain and fear coming along.

Everything went up in flames and people around you had their own problems to solve. You couldn't rely on anyone at this point other than your best friend.

Only he left.

He left the moment the doors banged loudly against the cemented wall. He left the moment the screams of crying children, parents and adults resonated around them. He left as soon as he was surrounded.

He left you to fend for yourself as you begged to be let go and pleaded for his help.

But he was scared. . .

And it made you mad because you were scared as well.

He could only watch with misty and tearful eyes as a blindfold covered your only sense of sight and had binds tied around your wrists. You grumbled and shrieked, trying to unbind yourself if possible. Yet the realization of it being near impossible crossed your mind, made your heart drop and panic rise.

You yelled as you were shoved back once more, hitting something cold and hard, a loud bang that made you flinch coming afterwards. Soaked wooden floor was all you felt beneath your feet, and the cold metal bars of a cage was all you felt to the touch.

"We got her!" One man cheered and the others did not long after. When there were rumors of a young child having the wonders of controlling the skies and shifting out storms, the group of so called "bandits" (for now) had all been eager to see it for themselves. As did the other groups as they set off from country to country to find the miraculous girl.

And they were the ones that found her first in the kingdom of Corona.

When one of the children innocently told about their own friend not knowing the horrors of the group that would do to you. And the group took advantage of their only lead, asking if there was a time that they could at least meet or even see you.

The two boys happily and eagerly told them the day. . .

And that day was today.

Boon, Bourne, and Eugene— the poor boys, had their mouths sealed shut and eyes watching in silent horror as the group loaded everything to their ship. The sails lowered, the anchor was lifted and the ropes that were tied to the docks were being lifted.

The wind picked up and it was unfortunate that it had the group sailing faster than before. As soon as the three hiding boys heard the clanks of metal, it was too late.

The ship has long been out of reach and your wrecked sobs and storms you create had left along with them.


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