First time - Deena

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I had just transferred to Shadyside High and ever since I laid eyes on Deena in the hallways, I knew I really liked her. It wasn't like I really had  chance with her but it was still nice to imagine that there could be something between us. 

It was late October and I'd just gotten into a huge fight with my parents and ended up running out of the house. I think it was around 9 p.m. when I had gotten far away enough to not know where I was. I was tired and angry so I just sat down on a bench in a nearby park and just stared at the ground, alone with my thoughts. I was alone until I saw a pair of white sneakers next to me and heard a familiar voice say "Well, you look like you had one hell of a fight with someone" I looked up to see Deena looking at me with a slight smile. Shit.

She sat down next to me on the bench, her hands in the pockets of her green jacket. "Wanna tell me what happened?" she asked softly. 

"Just a small fight, nothing you should worry about." I replied.

"Jeez, aren't you cold?" Deena asked as she took off her jacket and handed it to me. I sat up straight, took the jacket and put it on. Then laid back on the bench next to her. I was kinda questioning whether this is really happening or not. After all, I wasn't sure if she even knew my name. 

"So, y/n, once again, wanna tell me what's going on?" I felt butterflies in my stomach.

"Just a small fight with my parents, nothing really bad." The fight might've not been too big, but the reason it happened still bothers me. 

"What did you fight about?" I was trying to hide a smile as I started thinking that Deena genuinely cares about me. 

"It's just... they kinda found out that..." I wasn't sure whether to finish this sentence or not as felt her eyes on me.

She got curious and scooted closer to me, her eyes observing my every move. 

"They found out I like girls." I kept staring at the ground.

"Wait... you like girls?" She sounded surprised. 

"Mhm." I thought I saw her smile with my peripheral vision. 

"Y/n." Deena whispered.

"Yeah?" I turned to face her.

Next thing I knew, her hands were cupping my cheeks and her soft lips were pressed against mine. It was a passionate kiss and I could still feel the butterflies in my stomach. 

She pulled away from me, her hands still on my cheeks and we just looked into each other's eyes for a second, until I pulled her in for another deeper kiss. The feeling of her plump soft lips against mine felt ethereal. 

We pulled away and looked at each other. It looked like neither of us had expected for this to happen but we were both glad it did. 

"Want to come home with me?" Deena smirked, her lips still inches from mine.

"I'd love to." I replied as I kissed her one more time. 

We stood up and started walking to her house, holding hands and still smiling at the ground and each other. We got to the front doorstep, Deena unlocked the door and we walked in. 

"Hey, Deena, when are finally gonna eat dinn-" Josh turned around and stared at me, clearly not expecting to see me here. 

"Hi... Y/n." He said, still processing the situation.

"Hey" This was kinda awkward. 

"The pasta I made last night is in the fridge and I'm pretty sure you know how a microwave works" Deena laughed at Josh as she grabbed my hand and started quickly leading me to her room.

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