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It was a late Friday night when Deena, Simon, Kate and I were hanging out. We were over at Kate's house to watch a movie and we had planned to leave around 12:00 p.m.

When the movie was over Simon, Deena and I stood up to head out. Deena grabbed her car keys.

"You guys coming?" she turned to me and Simon since she was supposed to give us a ride home. 

"I don't know, are we?" Simon teased her.

"Oh you're funny. Fuck you." She laughed.

Kate hugged us goodbye when just before I stepped through the threshold, I felt her grab my arm. 

"Hey... can you stay for a sec?" She looked at me hopefully.

I turned to Simon and Deena who were waiting for me out front.

"You guys can go. I'll find a way to get home later."

"You sure?" Deena asked.


I walked back in and closed the door behind me. Kate gently held me by hand and let me to the living room couch.

"What's going on? Are you okay?" I asked her.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

We just stood like that, sitting across from each other as she held both my hands in hers.

The silence between us was so loud.

Another moment passed and she looked at her with her deep brown eyes. God, was she beautiful...

She cupped my cheek with hand and slowly scooted closer to me.

"I've been thinking about you all night. And not just tonight. It's like ever since you came into the school I just haven't been able to get you out of my head and-" Her speech was getting faster and more nervous with every word. But before she could finish that sentence I pressed my lips against hers and felt her sigh of relief.

I placed one hand on the back of her neck and she placed her other hand on my other cheek so that she was cupping both sides of my face. It was a very deep and long kiss.

Once we pulled away, we just looked at each other for a second before she pulled me in again. Soon enough, these kisses turned into a desperate make out session in the middle of Kate's living room.

She was leaving kisses all over my neck and collarbones and she already had a few hickeys from me. 

Then I picked her up and she wrapped her legs around my waist and her arms at the back of my neck as we continued making out while I carried her to her bedroom.

I gently laid her down on the bed and slowly crawled on top of her as we continued making out.

After a couple minutes she got on top of me in a straddle position and she continued kissing my neck and she pulled onto the hem of my shirt. She then slowly pulled it off and I did hers.

She left peppery kisses all the way from my lips to my stomach. 

Then when she crawled up my body to kiss me once more, I got on top of her and unclasped her bra as I kept leaving hickeys all over her neck and collarbones.

When I took her bra off her breasts bounced free and I left even more hickeys all over them.

I kissed down her stomach and started unbuttoning her pants and took them off together with her underwear while maintaining eye contact.

I left soft kisses on her inner thighs when finally I started kissing her where she mostly wanted me.

I sucked on her clit and her back lifted off the bed.

I kept licking up and down her folds and she kept moaning and cursing.

She grabbed me by my hair and held my head in place as I kept eating her out.

"Fuck you feel so good" Kate moaned desperately.

I kept sucking and licking as her moans got louder and louder.

"Fuck" she moaned one last time before she came, followed by a loud high pitched moan.

When she came down, I crawled up her body on top of her and kissed her deeply. I'm pretty sure she could taste herself in my mouth.

"Fuck that was amazing" she sighed.

"I know"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2021 ⏰

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