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Marinette POV

Smoke and dead bodies everywhere. Many of our loved ones died. Right now me and the other Gods are destroying Kaenri'ah(?). As we were about to launch another attacks, the tower was destroyed. Only ruins were left. As I checked the impact on tower, I found my friend the bard laying dead near the ruins. I quickly flew to him as tears blocked my view. Two enemy's arrows were shot through his heart. I silently cried. He was gone. As I looked at his dead body, I have decided to took his form - to let him explore the world like he always wanted. I said as I started changing. When the process ended, I ran away and looked into nearest river. There I saw myself - the same features, the same body. But I was a little different too. I got big green-ish eyes and braids with blue ends. As I looked at my reflection, I started thinking about what to do now. As I was thinking a white light teleported me to heaven like place. I didn't know what to do. Then I saw other six persons in here. 'Maybe it won't be that bad' I throught as I went to them.

-Timeskip like 8 years-

Marinette/Venti was having a great time in heaven. He quickly became friends with everyone. He even got close to one Archon [insert Lenny face]. All of this time he was taught how to fly in his new form, sing, play some instruments etc. He was really happy to be there. But one day he woke up being really really tired. He didn't understand why. When he told the Archons they only looked at eachother in worry. After a while of them trying to find the right words, one of them finally started explaining: "Barbatos, according to what you have said it seems that you'll be experiencing some sort of hybernation(?). Basically you'll sleep for a long time." Ended up one of them. Marinette/Venti was sad. He quickly needed to find Morax. On his way he was starting to become more and more sleepy. When he finally reached his 'dorm' he passed out.

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