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(make sure you read chapter 19 first idk why but it didn't show I posted it)

Ethan's pov

Once I wake up, I quietly go downstairs and into the kitchen.

Since we went on a date yesterday, I planned to make Mark breakfast before he leaves for work.

I wasn't very good at at cooking but it's the least I could do for Mark since he took me on a date.

Maybe over breakfast we could talk about it a little more.

Were we official now? I mean we never said that out loud, but we did kiss.

I could tell things were a little awkward between us after the date, especially because Mark seemed a little off after I told him about the rose.

Hopefully he isn't too upset about the rose thing..


Once I was done cooking, I went upstairs, figuring Mark should be awake by now.

His room door was closed, so I knocked. Surprisingly though, I didn't get an answer.

"Mark? I made breakfast for us!" I called.

Again, no answer.

I hesitantly opened the door, surprised at what I saw.

His room was empty, and a complete mess

Things were thrown about and unorganized, different from his usual organized self.

Maybe he left early and I didn't hear him?

I grabbed my phone from my pocket and clicked on his contact, calling him.




"This is Mark Fischbach, please leave a message."

I rose a brow, starting to panic a bit as I called him again.

The same thing happened.

Maybe he was busy?

I decided I would a wait a little bit before calling again.

^^^ Mark's pov

I glanced at Sean, watching as he organized some of the clothes on the racks.

The shop hadn't opened up yet, but Sean convinced me to come over early. I was originally just going to go for a drive to clear my head, then come back home so Ethan wouldn't notice I was gone.

"Why did you call me over so early?" I asked, helping Sean with the clothes.

"I just wanted to know how you've been. I know things were kinda...weird at the resort." Sean shrugged, taking the clothes to the back room.

I followed him.

"Oh, I think it's fine. I think being at the beach all the time was triggering me a bit."

Sean nodded, "what about you and Ethan?"

"What do you mean?"

"Are you guys together? I heard you took him to that one restaurant near Main Street."

"How did you know that?" I said, setting the clothes down.

Sean looked up at me, shrugging. "Things get around I guess."

"Well regardless, our relationship is none of you business."

"It becomes my business when you have no control over Dark. Why don't you understand that?" Sean said, crossing his arms.

The Black Rose | Crankiplier/Dark x EthanWhere stories live. Discover now