2. Unexpected Game

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Hello there, hope you enjoy the new chapter.
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Sammy woke up from a nudge to his shoulder. He groaned and begged to be left alone. "Sammy, hon you need to get up dinner is ready. And you've slept for quite a while." a voice he instantly recognized to be his mum's said to him. "Okay, I'll be down soon." he replied with his eyes still closed. His mum left his side, and he could hear her walk downstairs. Sam sighed as his brain slipped from the numbness of sleep and started up like an engine. Thoughts of today's events at school burst into his head, and he hated how much it bothered him. He sat up in his bed, and reached over to his bookbag to grab all sorts of forms that his mum would have to sign. He took the wraper from his snack and almost empty gatorade bottle downstairs with him. "Hey hon, you feeling alright? You usually don't take naps like that after school. Is something up?" his mum asked as she set the dinner plate for him on the table. Sammy slumped into the chair after he threw out his trash, and replied "Yeah, some thing is up, but I think I'm making it too big of a deal." "Do you want to talk about it?" his mum asked him, the look on her face showed that she was genuinely concerned with the situation. "No, not really. Don't worry mum, It's nothing I can't handle. No need to worry." Sammy said and flashed her a smile before starting to pick at his food. "So anything happen at school?" his mum asked. "No, it's the first day what could happen mum?" Sammy replied abruptly. "There are some papers you have to sign and I'm gonna go buy a book after I eat I need it for school." Sammy informs his mum. "Right now?" his mum inquired looking up at the clock hanging on the wall behind her. "Isn't it a bit too late?" She adds. "Mum, I need to go get some fresh air and I'm only going to the bookstore I promise." Sammy tells his mum as he clears his dinner plate. His mum looks skeptically at him "Sam, just know tha-" "I know mum, I won't be out too long." "Hon, not just that, I want you to know that I'm here if you need me, you can always talk to me." his mother states. Sammy scratches at his empty dinner plate, "I know." he simply replies before standing up and taking his plate and placing it in the kitchen sink. On his way out of the kitchen he thanks his mum for the food and jogs up the stairs to grab his keys and wallet before rushing out the front door of his house.

He really didn't want to be in the house right now, especially when his mum knew something was bothering him. She could easily sense when Sammy was in a bad mood, or something was up. Although Sam was pretty close with his mum, he just couldn't bother to be completely open with his daily life with her. If Ben were home he'd probably pry it out of Sammy, he has a way of making Sammy cave in to his puppy dog face. Sam got into his car and drove out to the local Barnes and Noble.

Once inside he quickly found his book that he needed for his English class, paid for it and with haste walked back to his car. Once back in his car he opted out of going back to his house, he didn't want to go home not at this moment. So instead he drove to Jack G.'s house, hoping that Jack is there there like he usually is. Parked and walked up to the door and rang the doorbell. He heard footsteps and Jack G.'s hushed voice saying "Heh, the pizza already came, who could this be?" before the door was opened cautiously. When Jack saw that Sammy stood at his door, his face visibly relaxed. "God you scared the shit out of me mate. Come on in." "Sorry to barge in here without a warning, I just don't want to go home right now. Mind if I chill at yours for a bit?" "Of course Sammy, you don't even have to ask. Anytime." Jack G. replied before leading Sam into the den where the lights were dimmed and a FIFA match was occuring.

The moment Sammy's eyes scanned the room, he regretted walking into the house. No, regretted that he ever thought it was a good idea to crash at Jack G.'s house for a bit. There seated on the brown leather sofa was Nate Fucking Maloley, with a controller in his hand staring intently at the screen. Sammy stood frozen in the doorway to the den, that was until Jack G. looked back at him and noticed at who Sam was staring at. "Oh, yeah. Skate apparently is hella good at FIFA, so we're here to find out." Jack G. said hesitantly, he could see a the mix of emotions on Sammy's face so he approached him and swung his arm around Sammy neck pulling him closer. "Mate, I swear I would've called you, I honestly don't know how it flew out of my mind. I promise we've not forgotten about you." Jack whispered. Sammy sighs and walks with Jack to the sofa and settles down next to J.J. who was currently getting his ass whooped in the match.

When J.J. sorely loses to Nate, Jack G. chimes in with "Sammy you're up against Skate, me and J.J. both lost lets see if you can do some good in our name. Eh?" That's how he ends up playing against Nate Maloley. Shortly the Jacks dissappear from the den, and the room gets awkwardly quiet. That is until the last person he wants to talk to in the whole universe strikes up a conversation with him "Damn you're sick at this." Nate states with a hint of amusement. Sammy ignores him, and continues kicking Nate's ass at the current match. "So what's the deal with those two?" Nate asks, still focused on the game. Sammy understands that Nate's talking about the two Jacks, and lifts his eyebrow as if in confusion. "Aw, c'mon you know what I mean, like they're always together and stuff. You know, what's up with that?" Sammy almost has a laughing fit, but manages to keep it together before replying "They're best friends, since like birth." He notices Nate's obviously eyeroll and slight groan, "Shit, you know what I mean. Obviously they're best friends. But are they more?" Sammy's still focused on the game when he deflects the question "more?" "Sam you fucking know what I mean, are they at it? Are they fucking?" Sammy kind of freezes for a second, he knows that Jack and Jack aren't the stealthiest of two when trying to hide their relationship. But no one has ever seemed to care enough to notice it, or openly ask about it.
"J.J. and Jack?" Sammy asks. "Fuck you Sammy, no seriously fuck you." Nate murmurs as his focus comes back to the game. Sammy smiles and proceeds to beat Nate's ass in the current match. Shortly Jack G. walks into the room looking a bit disheveled and sits himself down between the two. Sammy notices how Nate eyes Jack G. when J.J. walks back into to the room looking slightly less unkempt than Jack G. Once the match finally finishes, Sammy winning, and feeling pretty tired, he decides he'll be heading back home. "Kay guys I'ma head back home, cya tomorrow." He said getting off the sofa and headed out of the house. "Hey Sam, wait up!" a voice behind him calls. Sammy glances back and sees Nate coming up right behind him. "What?" Sammy asks him as he walks out into the front yard. "Sorry, just felt a bit awkward being around those two when they've clearly just shagged. So I thought I'd get going too." Sammy scoffs and walks to his car leaving Nate standing alone in the front yard. He pulled out of the driveway and drove back to his house, more stressed than before he left. In the span of a day Nate has taken over the title to Jack and Jack's buddy. Well not officially, but they haven't even invited him to come over for FIFA. He sped towards his house, parked carefully in his driveway and quietly entered his house using his spare key. His mum was sleeping for sure, and he would get a lecture in the morning since he stayed out later than expected and completely forgot to inform her where he was. He snuck up the stairs into his room as quietly as he could and shuck off his shoes and clothes before falling onto his bed in his boxers. He quickly got under the covers since he really wanted his body to just give out and fall asleep already.

He wasn't ready for this year to happen. He kind of wished it was summer all over again, so he wouldn't have to deal with this crap. His head filled with bouncing thoughts finally calmed down and Sammy was lulled into a peaceful sleep.

Hey guys im a lazy bum, so I'm not gonna apologize. Enjoy this chapter. I wanted to go further with this. But I felt like I should leave it at this place for the end of this chap.
And start next day with next chapter. I'm excited to develop Nate's character. And then get to write Sammy's not very good with changw character. Eeekkk


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