3. On Board?

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Update c:
there is a small end note!!

The dreaded noise of the alarm clock woke Sammy up. He groaned as he rolled around in his bed not wanting to get out of bed. The alarm was loud and a persistent annoying part of his morning he wished he could somehow skip. He finally mustered up some strength to get up to turn it off. And as soon as the annoying sound was cut off, his mum's voice was heard from downstairs "Sammy I know you're up, breakfast is ready so come on down." Sighing he looked around his room for his bookbag and once he found it he placed the book he bought yesterday in it. "I'll be down in a minute mum" he replied walking out of his room and straight into the washroom further down the hall. Hopping into the shower to awaken himself seemed like the best idea, so Sammy went for it. Semi-cold water quickly stimulated his senses and he already felt more energized. Once out of his brisk shower he half sprinted back to his room with nothing but a towel draping loosely over his hips. Sammy didn't take long to find a comfortable snug white shirt with a nice decoratively detailed chest pocket and a pair of acid wash jeans that sat just right. Still toweling his hair dry he grabbed his bookbag and made his way down the stairs.

"Hey mum, Good Morning! Breakfast smells amazing" Sammy says cheerfully towards his mum as he walks into the kitchen and sets his bookbag down on the kitchen island. "Morning Sunshine, pull up a stool and eat here." his mum replied to him as she straightened her suit and walked over to Sammy. "Okay hun, I've got work. Drive safe and be good. No calls from the school please. Dinner is in the fridge, and DO NOT order take out or elseee..." his mum teased as she quickly kissed the top of his head and walked out the side door into their garage.

Sammy heard the car engine start and then the noise faded as his mum left for another day of work. He ate his breakfast whilst checking twitter and listening to music on soundcloud. Occasionally he'd glance at the time to make sure he wasn't running late, although the drive to school wasn't one that was too long, traffic always took its toll on his trip there. Sam finished his breakfast and placed the plate in the dishwasher, and quickly made his way upstairs to brush his teeth before heading out to school.

School today will be very stressful, he just had this feeling in his gut. As much as he wished that Nate coming into his life could be just an unpleasant dream that he could just wake up from, it wasn't anything like that. He now had to make sure his best friends STAY his best friends and that Nate doesn't mess up his Junior year for him.

Parking his car in the student parking lot, he glanced at the time. About ten minutes before he had to get to class. Taking out his phone he opened up the group chat and typed out

Sammy: 'Where you guys want 2 meet up? We've got a few min b4 class starts.'

Putting his phone in his pocket Sammy grabbed his bookbag and got out of his car. Locking it as he walked towards the school. Walking down the center of the road he didn't notice a car behind him heading in his direction. He heard the sound of the approaching car's engine and quickly spun around. The car's tires schreeched as it stopped mere two feet from Sammy's body. Sam's heart was racing and his breathing irregular. "What the FUCK?!??" He shouted at the driver walking around the car to see the face of this driver that had already gotten out of the car. He stopped in his tracks as he noticed who it was. It was none other than Nate Maloley. "I'm sorry I literally looked away for just a sec and you came out of like nowhere." Nate was saying. "What the FUCK, Nate? Are you fucking crazy? I could of like died!!" Sammy shouted in fury. "Calm down, Calm down Sammy, I swear I didn't see you. Fuck I'm really sorry!!" Said Nate steadying Sam by placing his hands on his shoulders. "You're in shock, and you need to sit down and like drink some water or something." Nate kept blabbering as he led Sammy to the passenger seat of his Porsche. "Get in" he said to Sammy whose eyes were frantically moving and breath still irregular. Sammy got into the passenger seat and Nate shut the door. He noticed that a few cars have been standing in the traffic he caused. So he waved to them apologetically, and jogged back to his driver's seat and got in.

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