Day 18

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Haiv was startled awake by a nudge in his back. He opened his eyes. He was still in the chartroom. He must have fallen asleep. Behind him, someone was trying to come in, but he was lying in a ball on the floor.

Quickly, Haiv scurried away from the door. It cracked open and Porter stuck his head in.

"The captain has requested your company on deck."

Then the chartman was gone. Haiv stayed where he was, on all fours, staring at the crack of pinkish light that led onto the rest of the ship. That led to Beyond. They had arrived. He knew it. There was no other reason Rodigan would send for him. The captain seemed to be doing his best to avoid Haiv altogether. The only purpose Haiv served him anymore was to get him into Beyond and make him immortal.


Not wanting to give Porter a reason to double back and mock him for being deaf or something, Haiv rose to his feet. He shuffled with his chains to the door and, wood feeling especially rough beneath his fingers and toes, opened the door.

Something tickled his face. He screwed up his face and blinked several times. The pink light wasn't a sunrise, as Haiv had thought, the pink light was the air. Haiv stared into the passageway with wonder. Like fog, the light hung in the air. Or perhaps it was fog, only pink. And glowing. Either way, it was beautiful. Not too bright, so his eyes could stand to look at it, but still shiny enough to dazzle him for a few moments. It swirled and danced for him, like it knew he was watching.

Haiv shook himself. Right, the cap'n.

He strode into the strange mist, and he could feel it's touch on his skin. It was warm and...friendly? Was that the right word? Haiv wasn't sure how to describe it, but it felt nice. Like a warm bath, 'cept he hadn't had one of those in years, so maybe that wasn't the best metaphor. It was as if hundreds of tiny creatures were giving him a loving embrace at the same time. It sort of tickled, but made him feel happy and safe at the same time.

Out on deck, the pink glow continued. It seemed to exist everywhere Haiv could see. He was surprised he could see so well, actually. In a normal fog, vision was obstructed and it was disorienting. This was different. Haiv could see everything from the boards beneath his feet, to the wale, the coastline, to the buildings ashore.

Haiv stumbled over his chains.

There was an entire city twinkling at him through the pink mist. Mud-brick buildings of all shapes and sizes rose above the shoreline. They had anchored too far away for Haiv to make out much more detail than that, but those were definitely buildings. Souls, he hadn't expected there to be buildings in Beyond. What did dead folks need houses for?


Spir was standing beside Rodigan at the wale, staring at the city.

A spike of anger jabbed at Haiv's heart, but he batted it away. It would do him no good. Spir had chosen his side. Haiv was resigned to his fate. Even the thought of refusing to help either of those soulless babis didn't bring Haiv much satisfaction. If he rebelled, they would probably kill him, but that didn't bother him too much. Haiv was just so tired. Maybe he could find an opportunity to sneak away from the pirates while they were here. The city meant that civilization existed in this place at the end of the known world. He could find a way to survive away from hateful captains and haunted ships, and friends who betrayed him.

Clearly, Haiv was meant to join the two men at the wale, so Haiv hobbled over. He pointedly stood a good four paces away, however.

"You will board the long boat," Rodigan ordered without looking at him. "Row yerself to the city and find out what yeh need to do to bring the crew ashore. You have two hours."

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