Part 4 The New Girls

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Today is Tuesday

I walked into the cafeteria. I started towards the nerd/unpopular table when Wendy and her sidekicks jumped in front of me. One of her sidekicks, Maryland Matthews has chocolate brown hair, brown eyes, and dark skin. Her other sidekick, Isabella Jones, has blonde hair and icy blue eyes.

They both looked nothing like Wendy, who had long red hair and pale green eyes.

Maryland was the first to speak.

“Ewww!!! Where’d you get that shirt? The dumpster?”

I rolled my eyes.

“OMG! Look at her make-up! G-R-O-S-S!” said Isabella.

“I’m glad you know how to spell.” I snapped back.

“Listen, Melody, don’t even THINK about running for prom queen. That crown is MINE.” said Wendy, getting to the point. By this point, half the school was staring.

“What? Prom queen? ME? Okay. I won’t steal your crown. But hopefully someone else will.”

She sashayed away.

Bryce stood up and grabbed me by the shoulders to pull me back to our table.

“Melody, the school is staring at you. Even the lunch ladies.” He said in my ear.

I looked back and saw, Helga, the lunch lady, was really staring at me. Creepy!

I sat down at our table. There was two girls that I’ve never seen before.

“Melody, this is Crystal Hearts”- he pointed to a girl with brown hair and hazel eyes who was wearing really girly clothes-“And this is Rochelle. She came up here and asked to sit with us. She didn’t even TRY to sit with the populars!” he said as he pointed to a girl with long brown hair in smooth ringlets. She had startling gray eyes.

I instantly trusted and liked Rochelle.

I instantly HATED Crystal. She looked like a kind of girl that might want to steal Bryce from me- not like I own him or anything.

Rochelle told me all of her classes- they were all at the same time as mine! I’m really starting to like this girl!

Crystal was blabbing about romance and cute guys.

Hello? This is the NERD table. Please go over to the popular snobs table if you want to gossip.

Rochelle is so nice everyone at the table seemed to like her (Marissa, Crystal, Bryce, Dylan, Derrick, Hope, a girl named Quinn Hold, a girl named Lily Jones, and I).

Quinn Hold is a girl who only sits with us because she’s not popular. She’s an emo-ish person. She only wears black, which matches her black hair and black eyes. She NEVER talks, she’s always writing stuff down in her journal. I don’t even think her PARENTS have heard her talk.

Lily Jones is actually Isabella’s twin. She looks NOTHING like her, she has long brown hair and brown eyes. Her skin is both pale and tan. Lily is really nice and quiet.

Unlike her sister.

The rest of lunch I ate the horrible tasting lunch food.

It literally tastes like barf.

After school I went over to Marissa’s house.

We were in her room. Her room was painted pink with music notes painted on the wall and a creep picture of a scull on her wall that said, Dead 5which is the name of her band.

I know why it’s says ‘5’, which is because there is five members of the band (Kyle Worth, Samantha Chase, Bill Keller, Danny Wong, and of course, Marissa).

But what’s with ‘Dead’?

Anyways, we were talking.

“Do you think Crystal will steal Bryce from me?” I asked (Marissa already knew I like Bryce).



“I think Rochelle will.”


“You can’t trust her.”

“You’re just saying that because you think since I like Rochelle so much that she’ll be my best friend instead of you!”

I started out of her house and she came running after me.




After that I walked away. She’s just jealous of my friendship with Rochelle. She’ll realize that I’m right in no time.

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