.I am late.

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Y/n pov

It's 8 in the clock . I wake up with an annoying sound of the alarm clock.

I said while throwing it on the floor.

"Kim y/n it was your fourteenth clock , if it broke again I swear I won't give you another."
Said mom from downstairs yelling .

"Ok ok"
I got up from the bed and did my morning routine. After I am done I went downstairs .

"Good morning mom"

"Good morning y/n" she greeted back.

"Um.. what's for breakfast?"

" Nothing special... Chicken soup"

"Chicken soup!!! My favourite!! I
love you mom."
I said with joy.

While I was eating my mom said me something.

"Um.. y/n can i ask you something??"

"Yeah.. sure."

"Do you miss your dad??"

When she said that I was surprised and look towards her.

"What are you saying mom? , do you think i am happy ? 

My eyes started to fill up with water.

"Don't cry y/n. I am sorry to say that , I was just asking that you miss him or not . So that we can meet him and live together forever." " I am sorry if I hurt you my dear"

My mom started to cry to.

"It's ok mom." " And did you just say we will meet him and live together!!"?

I shouted

"Don't shout I can listen." " And that's true .... If you want to meet him we can go or even you want to stay with him... We can do that too."

"Really ..... I will meet dad"

She answered with a small nod and chuckled at me.

" Woohoo" I said with joy.

"So when are we going"

" Three days from now " she said.

"Yay ... Wait .. THERE Days ..oh no . I have to pack.. bye mom.!!"

I said while running through the stairs.

"Wait.. aren't you going to school?? It's your last day of school before next grade..."

I stopped in my track , yes that's true I should attend my last day. And I should bid a good bye to my friends before I go.

"Yes .. wait!! I am late enough..i should leave now mom bye ."

I said while running out of the house.

" Bye"

I heard her yelling.

I am down the street now . While I was walking , i was in my thoughts .....

Y/n: (in mind ) i will meet my dad .... but , does dad remembered me?       Will he be able to recognise me ?      What if he not ?     And the most  strange thing is ...why does he not talk to me ? Why  he didn't came to meet me ?    And why we are here to live ....why didn't we lived there ? 

So many questions are in my mind ... but if I ask mom , she will say me " when you will be older , i will tell you everything , because your brain is very small to keep the words in your little brain " .... and she even said it ... Huh ... whatever , let's go now ..


Hi everyone... Hope you like it.
Next part tomorrow.

Bye ..... I purple you 💜💜💜

My two mafia brothers // jikook ffWhere stories live. Discover now