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Taking place at some point in Barking Up The Wrong Lead, boys just being boys.

Matt's POV

I could feel someone watching me as I lowered myself on the bar, holding my weight just off of the floor. In the mirror on the adjacent wall I could see the boy hesitating in the doorway, glancing across to the Juniors sparring on the other side of the room. I rolled my eyes, we were the year above them, yet he was still worried about us being together around them.

I pulled myself up again, wincing as I felt my bicep twinge.

"Take a break," Scout told me as he held out a water bottle, "I saw that,"

I ignored him and pulled up again, determined to finish the set, "I've only got three more to do,"

He folded his arms and leant against the wall, muttering to himself with a shake of his head, "So stubborn,"

I smirked as I lowered myself down again, stretching both arms so I was hanging from the bar, "That's why you love me,"

He threw a sly glance towards me, "Shut up,"

I finished up and dropped down, with a thud on the wood floor. Stretching off before I turned to Scout, and took the water he offered me. He was fretting about people seeing us together, but I knew that they'd only assume that we were two mates hanging out together, "Stop stressing, we've only got another few months,"

Scout glanced over his shoulder, a crease forming between his eyebrows, "Yeah, whatever."

I frowned at him, something more was up. He was uptight, something was getting to him. We couldn't talk here though, too many prying ears. I downed the rest of the water and grabbed my towel, throwing it around my neck and wiping the sweat off of my face, "Want to head back upstairs?"

He nodded and turned away, muttering as he went, "I'll meet you up there."

I tutted and shook my head as he headed off, why did he have to fret and worry so much? What frustrated me more was that he wouldn't talk about it to me about it until I nagged him. And he called me the idiot.

I grabbed my tape that I had planned on using for the punch bag and threw the empty bottle over my shoulder into the bin.

I hesitated in the corridor as I spotted Grandpa just leaving the mess hall, "You look like you're on a mission," He told me.

I sighed and shook my head, "I've just had a bit of an argument with Scout," I lied to him, praying he wouldn't see through me, "He's been a bit off and got upset when I asked,"

Grandpa sighed and nodded, "It can be hard work living with the same person for so long,"

I had to fight back a smirk, he had no idea, "Yeah, we manage though,"

He turned to the stairs that would take him to his office, "You kids look after each other," He swallowed and looked back to me, "Just take care of each other,"

I nodded to him because, for once, I didn't need Grandpa Joe's words of wisdom to know that I had to look after Scout as much as he looked after me.

"We will Grandpa, don't worry,"

He smiled and looked up the stairs with a sigh, "Good lad."

With a frown I turned to the other stairs, trying to work out just what he was concerned about. I shook it out of my head and followed his advice, worry about Scout now.

Pulling the bedroom door shut, I looked to Scout. He was on the bed with his hands clutching at his hair, his shoulders were trembling slightly as he shook his head, "What's up with you this morning?"

He sniffed and looked up, his eyes were red a swollen, his cheeks stained with tears. I didn't need to listen to know what he said next was a lie, "Nothing, I'm just being stupid,"

I raised an eyebrow, "Well, you're always stupid if you ask me, but you don't normally cry about it,"

He threw a glare at me as I sat on the bed next to him but still shook his head when I persisted, "Come on, tell me what's up?"

I sighed and pulled him into me, "Tell me,"

I knew he'd give in eventually, he always did with me. He always cracked when I took his hand and kissed his hair, and that morning was no exception. As I had expected he sighed and leant his head into my shoulder, "It was just a stupid dream,"

I ran my thumb across the back of his hand, feeling the rough, dry skin on the knuckle of his little finger, a stress rash. He hadn't just been worrying this morning, he'd been hiding it from me for days.

Arguing about that now wouldn't help any though, "What was it about?"

He played with my fingers as he talked, rubbing circles around the callouses, "It was more of a nightmare. Just to be clear, I'm not doubting you in the slightest... I just worry,"

I frowned as I looked to him, when didn't he worry about something? I lifted my arm around his shoulders and sighed, "I've told you--"

"No Matt," He cut me off, "Because, sometimes, even the best in the business get hurt. And if you're carried onto my ward one day and need attention, what will I be able to do? Fuck all. That's what."

Even I had to admit that he had a point, I only had to think about Mom, or the scars my family carried to know he was right. Someday, somehow, I would probably get hurt and it was a fact that doctors couldn't treat people whom they were in a relationship with.

I leant into him and sighed, "I wish I could promise otherwise Scout. All I can say though is that I'll be careful, I promise,"

He sighed and shook his head, "You'll be on the other side of the bloody world, I'll be last to know,"

I smirked and looked to our intertwined hands, "You could come with me, we could get married over there,"

He looked to me sceptically, not sure if I meant it or if I was joking, "Really?"

I shrugged, why not? If it meant that he was my next of kin, we'd both be happy.

There was just one problem, "Sure, it might freak my Dad out a bit to find out I'm gay and married and he didn't even know, but he'll survive."

Scout laughed and shook his head, "No, you should tell them first, I can wait that long."

I shook my head, "She's not coming back Scout,"

"You can't know that," He whispered and looked across to me, determination in his eyes. He didn't want me to hurt anymore than he knew I already was, he wouldn't let me believe she was gone until I had to.

I smiled as he nudged my shoulder, "Go and get a shower, that's the third time this week you've picked pull ups over me before breakfast."

I laughed and stood up, grabbing my towel as I went, "I make it up to you, don't I?"

He sighed as he stood up and kissed me quickly, "Hmm, I suppose you do... apart from when you don't shave,"

I rolled my eyes, "I didn't have time yesterday!"

He laughed again and shook his head, "Well you'd better make time today,"

I grabbed his arm before he opened the door, always making sure that I got the last word in, "You know, I might just not now,"

Scout raised a daring eyebrow, "Your loss." He called as he left.

Damn that Scout Jasons.

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