Truth Or Dare

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Everyone knows that it's dangerous to play Truth or Dare with Rebecca Baxter, but some people have to learn the hard way...

Rebecca Baxter POV

"What's up with you?" A good friend of mine, Faye, came in to the gym with her drinks bottle in hand.

I caught the punchbag as it swung towards me, "Just frustrated with a case," I admitted with a sigh, "How are things for you?"

She shrugged, "Not bad, I've heard a few of the girls had their eye on that Nephew of yours."
She raised her eyebrows in a suggestive manner and gave me a nudge.

I threw my head back and laughed, thinking back to a drunken night at the flat with Matt...

I walked in to the flat and threw down my duffle bag, it had been a long week of tailing some guy wanted for murder of an agent. He wasn't particularly good, which made matters so much more boring.

Matt was lounging on the sofa watching the six o'clock news, a plate of cheese on toast on his lap. Thank god he can cook like his father. I sighed to myself, "Is there any left?"

He looked up to me and raised an eyebrow, "Hi Matt, how's your week been?"

I threw him and glare and headed to the kitchen, "I am tired and hungry Matthew, now where's the food?"

He seemed to take my warning as I grabbed a large wine glass and the full bottle of red that I had been saving for just an occasion.

"Stick the oven on for a couple of minutes to reheat it," He told me.

I rolled my eyes and just grabbed the plate straight from the oven, it was only just warm so I was sure the food would be cold. With a shrug I took a bite as Matt groaned, "You can't eat cold cheese on toast!"

Ignoring him, I grabbed a beer from the fridge and took it over to my armchair with my wine and toast. Matt took the beer and capped it on the edge of the coffee table, "I thought you were tired?"

I shrugged, "More bored, now drink up, we're playing a game,"

Matt looked up to me from the last of his cheese on toast, "That sounds dangerous,"

I smirked to him, "If you're too afraid ..."

Matt took a swig of his beer and smirked in a way that he could only have gotten from his dad, "Honestly Bex, who do you think dared Collins to write that message on Grandpa's desk in Freshman year?"

My mouth dropped, he didn't? Sweet, innocent little fourteen year old Matt dared Luke Collins to write that message on Joe Solomon's desk!?
No, he had too much of his mother in him for that.

I quickly recovered myself and sat straight as I set down my wine, "Truth or dare?"

Matt smiled and set his plate down on the table, not hesitating at all before responding, "Dare."

I laughed and threw my head back, big mistake Kid, "Well, seeing as you've never played proper truth or dare before, I'll take it easy on you," I took a sip of my wine, taking a minute to think of something a little less wicked than my normal dares. He was my nephew after all, "I dare you to do a, double-dip Roundhouse maneuver with a mouth full of beer."

Matt pulled a face in protest, "But that's so easy!"

I raised my eyebrow, "Get on with it then,"

Of course, being the Goode he was, he executed the move flawlessly without spilling a drop of beer. As he sat down again, i smiled and said, "Gimme a dare, and make it good."

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