chapter 7

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So I'm 4 and 1/2 weeks pregnant there won't be a bump until about three months so I'm not going to have to worry about the people at school for a while. but I'm scared for what will happen Damon and I went to New Orleans to see a witch and she said literally one out of one billion vampires procreate and since there's only been about a billion vampires in existence we happen to be the lucky ones. I've decided I want to become a vampire so tomorrow night me and damon are going out for a romantic dinner then he will turn me. I've wanted to be turned for a while now so I'm ready, I want to spend the rest of my life with the love of my life, Damon Salvatore. I think our baby is going to be a girl and if it is I am naming it Miranda after my mom since she died and if it's a boy which I don't think it will be we were thinking about Giseuppe after Damons late father or Grayson after mine. I'm worried that I won't survive if I don't turn but Jeremy is mad that I want to turn into "one of those things" after Vicky dying he's gone pretty fragile and I think he really misses mom and dad so the baby will be perfect for him I think. "Hey Lana, how do you feel?"
"damon im fine I've told you that 200 times today you don't have to worry about me!"
"Okay well are you ready for dinner? we are leaving in two hours"
shit. I forgot that I have to look nice.. better go do my hair and get dressed into something other then adidas track pants and a cheerleading shirt.

{later on}

"Elena, you look beautiful."
"Thanks babe" I say smiling.
I'm wearing a long, red sleeveless dress with little diamonds studded along the neckline. I have a natural look with my makeup and I curled my hair with loose curls and my bangs are pulled back to the sides. "You ready to go Day?" "Yeah, it's a 45 minute drive to the restaurant." he looked amazing too, he was wearing a black suit with a black tie and a white dress shirt and his hair look really sexy it was pushed back kind of messy but sophisticated.

Finally were at the restaurant. damon and I walk in the door and go to the front table and see a man in a fancy suit with a red tie. "Name please." the man said and Damon simply said "Salvatore" and the mans face brightened up looking surprised "Oh, please follow me Mr and Mrs Salvatore."
"damon! he thinks we're married and how did he just automatically just let us to a table without waiting?"
"Well, Salvatore is a very respected name around the world and I'm not sure why he said that maybe because it's fancy" It was a french menu so I didn't really know anything so I let Damon order for me "Damon just get me anything except snails! Ew!" "Red or white wine miss?" "red please" I can't believe they're letting me drink with no ID im only 18 and the drinking age for Virginia is 21! "Elena I just want you to know how much I love you, you are the absolute best thing that has ever happened to me in my 170 years. we're going through a crazy and life changing experience but I know we will get through it because we have each other and we love each other."
"Damon I love you too, so so much. this is a crazy and life changing experience but I know if I were with anyone else I wouldn't make it through, I love you Damon." after our little speeches our dinner comes and looks amazing! Damon got escargot and I got terrine which looks delicious! after we finish our dinner and drink the bottle of wine were ready to go home and turn me.

at the salvatore boarding house
"Here Elena, drink this. it's wine laced with my blood and then I will let you chose how to *he shudders* die."
"Okay damon because you know that it means eternity together."
"Yes and I know eternity is a long time but I'm in love with you, Elena Gilbert."
"Damon, I know how I want to die, I want to die how I was supposed to and how my parents did, off of Wikery bridge"
"Okay Elena, I respect your decision but how are you going to do that? you know how to swim don't you?"
"Yes, Im going in my car then I'll count on you to come get me when I'm dead of course."
"Elena im sorry but there's too much of a risk and I might not be able to find you and I cannot risk that ever. Is there anyother way you'd like to die?"
"Snap my neck."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, now do it."
he then used his vampire strength and speed, placed his hands on my neck and everything went black

I woke up feeling weird, all my senses were heightened and I felt like crying but really I just wanted intense make out sessions with Damon but I was starving too. "Damon im hungry."
"Okay well I have something down in the cellar for that. Don't scream it was a criminal sentenced to death after killing his whole family and more so don't feel guilty."
"Alright" we walked down to the cellar and I see a guy who looks a little bit scared but I don't care all I can think about is blood and the vain pulsing in his neck. then I go closer and see his necks dripping with blood and I go up to him and drink until I'm not thirsty anymore and his dead limp body falls to the ground. "Damon am I a vampire now?"
"Yes you are." damon tells me smiling

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