Chapter 6

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(Yeah this took 2 years, yeah I lost motivation but I realized I had a draft thats pretty decently filled, yeah its 3 am so Im continuing this chapter, yeah Im gonna finish it and tell you when 2022 me is taking over, and yeah the first part of this chapter was done by me 2 years ago so if you see a sudden change in writing style you know why)

Charles hummed fanfare to himself while exploring the wide selection of books Henry had on his shelf. 

Harry Potter...

Fifty shades of grey...?

The great gatsby...

He eventually settled on "Guinness World Records 2020". Charles always had a fascination for these amazing achievements people manage to reach. He pulled the book from the shelf and stumbled a little from the sudden weight. The pilot rested on the cocoon chair, adjusting the pillows until he was in a comfortable position. He opened the book and turned pages to look for the "animals" category.

Swaying from side to side, Charles listened to Henry's pen scratching on the paper and occasional mumbles as background noise. When the noises stopped, he looked up from his book and saw Henry now kneeling on the ground, petting Navy. Charles smiled at the interaction but shook it off.

Stop it, he's literally holding you hostage.

But then again hes treating me pretty well considering everything...

Charles grumbled as he continued to argue with himself in his head.

"You good?" He got snapped out of his debate by Henry looking at him. Navy also stared, like owner like pet.

"oh- yeah I'm alright, just thinking," Charles replied with a small stammer. 

Henry shrugged it off and looked at the clock again, "5 more minutes, alright let's go," he stood up after giving Navy one last scratch behind the ear.

Charles hopped off the chair, wincing a bit after getting hit behind the knees by the swaying chair. He placed the book back where he got it from. And walked to Henry, who was waiting by the desk to press the button that lifts the walls. Navy laid on the couch, curling up into a donut. Then the walls slowly rose up from the floor and Henry led the other to the door as the office got separated from his room. 

They walked through the halls, hand in hand, once again. Charles struggled to remember every room and sections in the space station. Then a room with large red doors caught his eye.

He pointed to it, "hey what's that room?" 

"Oh, those are the escape pods, just in case the space station is about to blow up, etc," Henry replied while waving his hand around.

It just so happened to be quite close to Henry's office with an easy route to remember. Charles hummed in response, trying his best to not seem suspicious. Which seemed to have failed since Henry added, "and you're not going to try to escape through them, right?" His tone grew colder than the north pole in winter. 

Charles gulped and nodded, "mhm,"

"Good, because we have a trash chute and I'm not afraid to throw in some stickmen through there every once in a while," he returned to speaking calmly. Which, Charles has got to admit, was quite creepy.

Finally, they arrived at the cafeteria. Charles slightly gaped at the sight. The cafeteria was huge. Grey benches and tables were lined up in rows with two large pillars in the middle to support the hall. Trash cans were scattered evenly around the place. Toppat members were either sitting at the benches to eat and talk, walking around with trays, or waiting in line. There was a large sort of booth where a few toppats were scooping food onto trays for other members. Like a normal school cafeteria. Then Charles looked at the window that took up an entire wall. In the void of darkness, he could see his home planet, blue took up most of the planet with splotches of green. He looked away and saw sprinkles of white particles called stars. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2022 ⏰

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