Chapter 1

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Its been 5 months since the Toppat space station was sent into orbit. Heists have been going on every week and thanks to their technology, no Toppats have ever been caught. As the leader of this criminal organization, Henry had everything he could ever dream of.





He had everything.

Everything except for Charles Calvin, the 26 year old government pilot. He is the youngest member of the government team and was the most excellent at piloting helicopters. Though sometimes his plans ends up in him crashing his helicopter into the side of an airship, or the side of a building. But that's what Henry adores about that young pilot, his confidence in his "greatest plans" and his innocence.

Henry paced around his office, thinking of the next heist that he should pull off. When suddenly, he heard a knock on his door. The toppat opened the door and there stood his Right Hand Lady, Ellie, with some folders under her arms.

"Sup Henry," Ellie said in the most casual voice, as if she's just talking to her best friend and not her boss.

Henry sighed and answered in an annoyed tone, "Ellie I told you not to call me that when we aren't alone, we have to keep this strictly professional. We don't want any new members to think that they can just talk to me like that," he moved to the side to let her in.

The redhead strolled in and put the folders onto the leader's desk before sitting down on his matte brown office chair, "yeah yeah, there weren't any newbies around anyways," she spun around 5 times.

Henry pinched his nose bridge, "Anyways, what did you come to me for Ellie?" He asked as the other continued to spin.

Ellie took a moment to recover from her dizziness then picked up the folders she left on the desk. She bounced over to Henry and chimed, "so you remember Charles? Y'know, the boy you are obsessed over," Before Henry had the chance to reply, she interrupted, "well, we recently found coordinates of where he might be living at!" The Right hand lady then opened the folder, inside was a graph with a mark dotted with a red marker.

Henry immediately snatched the folder and read it carefully. He rushed out his office to the command center, heartbeat racing. When he got there, he slammed the folder right in front of Burt Curtis, his Head of Communications. Earning a barely noticeable flinch from the mostly emotionless Toppat member. The Leader jabbed his finger onto the folder and half-yelled while staring directly into the rusty orange and dark grey eyes of the other, "Send 3 members to this coordination, I want them to retrieve Charles Calvin for me,"

Burt nodded and spoke into his headphones, "babe can you send 3 members to these coordinates please," he clacked the location into his computer to send to the other. Henry stood there, tapping his foot impatiently as the other received a reply from the other end. The blank-faced member exchanged a few more words before turning to his leader, "Sven said that those coordinates are the government camp coordinates,"

"Then just send more members with weapons! Its not that hard to figure out!" Henry shouted. Burt flinched at the sudden yelling then nodded before talking to Sven again. The frustrated leader walked away, "tell me when you successfully retrieve him, I'll be in my office," he mumbled. The head of communications gave a thumbs up and turned back to his screen, clicking away at the keys again.

Soon enough...(Toppat!Henry x Charles)Where stories live. Discover now