Chapter 2

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The Toppat leader gazed out his wall-sized window. Watching the stars shimmer in the black sea called space. The way they twinkled reminded him of how Charles' emerald green eyes would also shimmer whenever anything catches his interest. Or at least that is how he remembered the pilot. Soon he found himself daydreaming about Charles, thinking about every feature he adored about him.

His shining green eyes

His innocent face that always drives Henry mad

His slender frame despite being so strong

The way his red headphones manage to compliment his eyes so well

His obsession and knowledge about helicopters 

Henry loved Charles 

He loved him so much that he could-

His thoughts were interrupted by a knock at his door. Henry grumbled at the fact that his daydream was cut short and he opened the door. 

There stood Burt, with his blank face as always. The member bowed down and spoke in his monotone voice, "we have successfully retrieved Charles Calvin sir," 

The leader beamed, "where is he being kept?" 

"In cell 108 sir," he replied blandly.

Henry chirped, "great! Thanks kid!" He rubbed the 19 year old's head before running off, which ended up in him rubbing his top hat instead. The Toppat leader tends to treat a few younger members like his children, which a few of them appreciate because some of them, including Burt, have either had bad parents or no parents at all. Which is what lead them to join the largest criminal organization in the world. Burt huffed and readjusted his top hat then walked away to go find Sven.


As Charles started gaining consciousness again, he panicked. He found himself in some sort of chamber, hands cuffed and suspended in mid-air with green electricity. Looking around for an escape, he could see a closed hatch underneath him. There was also a door, a screen that said "HDMI-02" in the corner, and a remote control attached to the wall in front of where he was suspended. Around him was a large window that showed he was Charles decided that wasn't very important right now and tried to remember what led him to this point.

Charles laid on his bed, wide awake, it was 3 am but he couldn't sleep at all. He has been stressed lately from all the heists the Toppats are pulling off. The entire government is stressed. The general hasn't been taking it well either since his old age is also taking a toll on him. All of the sudden, he heard an all too familiar beam sound and scrambled outside. His eyes widened as he found more than 20 Toppats storming around firing with guns.

"Charlie! Get to somewhere safe quick!" General called to Charles over his headphones.

"But General! I can help!" Charles yelled back, dodging the bullets as he ran to General's tent. There, he caught his leader prepping guns. He yelped when the older snapped around and grabbed both of his shoulders.

"Charlie listen to me, this is too dangerous for you. Me and the older troops can deal with this, I beg you please hide in a safe place,"  Hubert cried. His face showed clear distress as he stared into Charles' deep green eyes with his own.

Charles hesitated but nodded and as he turned around he was grabbed with a chokehold. He gasped, "ack! Dad!" He squirmed, trying to free himself from the grasp of the Toppat behind him. 

General lunged forward, "NO-" 

Then he got knocked out and everything went black.

Charles felt tears sting his eyes then he blinked. After a few minutes of continuing to look for an escape, Charles started feeling a little sore in the shoulders. Probably from having his own body weight dangle from his arms.

All of the sudden, the door in front of him opened and a bright light shined through. He turned his head away and squinted since the only light he's been seeing for the past 10 minutes was the faint green glow from his cuffs. Charles blinked a few times to get his eyes adjusted to the brightness before turning back to see who opened the door.

He watched a tall figure walk forward with his hands behind his back as the door closed behind him. The figure was wearing a long black cape over a light grey suit. He also had dark grey pants with brown boots. But what was the most noticeable accessory on him was the black top hat with a large golden S on it. Charles immediately assumed that he was the Toppat leader and got filled with rage. Then he looked into the eyes of the Toppat. It was a dark red, it reminded Charles of the colour of blood. But the eye colour seemed sort of artificial, like it isn't the actual colour of his eyes. The leader's other facial features looked a little familiar, though the pilot couldn't put his finger on it.

"Awake already?" The Toppat asked. Charles couldn't help but slightly blush at the voice. It was deep, cunning and something about it drew the pilot in.

But he quickly shook off that feeling and snapped at the taller male, "let me go you psychopath!" Charles twist and turned in his cuffs in an effort to both free himself and kick the Toppat leader in the chest.

The other let out an over-exaggerated gasp and placed his hand on his chest, "oh dear is that how you speak to an old friend..." he smirked, "Em?"

The pilot' froze and his breath hitched, he could recognize that nickname anywhere. 


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